Vice City: Multiplayer

Server Development => Scripting and Server Management => Script and Content Requests => Topic started by: KrOoB_ on Jun 19, 2018, 07:27 AM

Title: IRC Admin Tag ?
Post by: KrOoB_ on Jun 19, 2018, 07:27 AM
I connected the server to mIRC but
how can i make tag for admins like [ADMIN] Kroob: sdas

or can be done ?
Title: Re: IRC Admin Tag ?
Post by: umar4911 on Jun 19, 2018, 11:44 AM
You want to message in Server with tag?
Title: Re: IRC Admin Tag ?
Post by: KrOoB_ on Jun 20, 2018, 10:41 AM
Title: Re: IRC Admin Tag ?
Post by: [KM]Helathien on Jun 20, 2018, 07:22 PM
I don't know much about your IRC, or any IRC :P
But here is mine.

function FBSLIST::AddNick( Nick, AdminLevel )
//This is place where you setted you level. Just the rest according to yours
Name = Nick;
Level = AdminLevel;

Then make your tags
function LevelTag(lvl) {
//Make tags
lvl = (lvl ? lvl:0);
switch (lvl) {
case 2:
return "IRC Moderator>";
case 3:
return "IRC Admin>";
case 4:
return "IRC Manager>";
case 5:
return "IRC Helper>";
case 6:
return "IRC Owner>";
return "IRC User>";

Then just edit the Message.
LevelTag1(level) + " " + Nick + ":" + text // Just add this to your IRC
Title: Re: IRC Admin Tag ?
Post by: KrOoB_ on Jun 21, 2018, 02:13 AM
where do i put them
Title: Re: IRC Admin Tag ?
Post by: KrOoB_ on Jun 21, 2018, 02:22 AM
My echo.nut

Quotelocal BotNick      =   [ "", "", "" ];      // The BotNames

const NickServ      =   "";                  // The NickServ Password

const server      =   "";               // Server Ip
const port      =    6667;                  // Server port

const chan      =   "#";               // Home channel
const pass      =   "";                  // Channel password

const PREFIX      =   "!";                  // The command prefix.

local socket      =   {};                  // A empty table to put our socket instances in.

local count       =    0;                  // A counter to count recieved data.

local prev       =    null;                   // A var to hold the BotName that last sent data to IRC.

function LoadBot()
   // A var to count.
   local t = 0;

   // Iterate our BotNames.
   while ( t < BotNick.len() )
      // Open a new socket and send the data to be parsed.
      socket[ t ] <- NewSocket( "connect" );

      // Connect our socket to the server.
      socket[ t ].Connect( server, port );

      // The function to call, once connected.
      socket[ t ].SetNewConnFunc( "Login" );

      // Increase our var.

function connect( data )
   // Parse the data
      raw       =    split( data, "\r\n" ),
      event      =    raw.len() > 1 ? split( raw[ 1 ], " " ) : "",
      EventID    =   event.len() > 1 ? event[ 1 ] : "";

   // Find the Ping event.
      FindPing   =   split( raw[ 0 ], " " ),
      ping      =   FindPing[ 0 ];

   // Find the channel event ( I've done this separately for de-bugging purposes )
      FindChan   =   split( raw[ 0 ], " " ),
      channel      =   FindChan.len() > 2 ? FindChan[ 2 ] : "";

   // Ok, Now let's get those irc commands ( Join, part, Kick...etc etc )
      FindIrcCommand   =    split( raw[ 0 ], " " ),
      IrcCommand   =   FindIrcCommand.len() > 1 ? FindIrcCommand[ 1 ] : "";

   // Reply to ping's ( 'PONG' + irc server )
   if ( ping == "PING" )
      // A var to count.
      local t = 0;

      // Iterate our BotNames.
      while ( t < BotNick.len() )
         socket[ t ].Send( "PONG " + FindPing[ 1 ] + "\n" );

         // Increase var.

   // We got the welcome message, so We're connected.
   if ( EventID == "001" )
      // A var to count.
      local t = 0;

      // Iterante the BotNames
      while ( t < BotNick.len() )
         // Join our HomeChannel
         socket[ t ].Send( "JOIN " + chan + " " + pass + "\n" );

         // Login to NickServ.
         socket[ t ].Send( "PRIVMSG NickServ IDENTIFY " + NickServ + "\n" );

         // Increase var.

   // This is returned at the end of a NAMES request, after all visible names are returned.
   else if ( EventID == "366" )
      // A dynamic array to store each user's class instance in.
      NickList      <-   [];

      // Now, Lets parse the names query.
         FindUsers   =   split( raw[ 0 ], ":" ),
         users      =   split( FindUsers[ 1 ], " " );

      // Iterate our parsed list of users.
      for ( local i = 0; i < users.len(); i++ )
         // Establish the level symbol.
            Level   =   users[ i ].slice( 0, 1 );

         if ( Level == "~" ) NickList.push( UserLevels( users[ i ].slice( 1, users[ i ].len() ), "Scripter", 5 ) );
         else if ( Level == "&" ) NickList.push( UserLevels( users[ i ].slice( 1, users[ i ].len() ), "SOP", 4 ) );
         else if ( Level == "@" ) NickList.push( UserLevels( users[ i ].slice( 1, users[ i ].len() ), "AOP", 3 ) );
         else if ( Level == "%" ) NickList.push( UserLevels( users[ i ].slice( 1, users[ i ].len() ), "HOP", 2 ) );
         else if ( Level == "+" ) NickList.push( UserLevels( users[ i ].slice( 1, users[ i ].len() ), "VOP", 1 ) );
         else NickList.push( UserLevels( users[ i ], "User", 0 ) );
   if ( IrcCommand == "KICK" )
      // A var to count.
      local t = 0;

      // Iterante the BotNames
      while ( t < BotNick.len() )
         // Re-join our channel when kicked
         socket[ t ].Send( "JOIN " + chan + " " + pass + "\n" );

         // Increase var.
   else if ( ( IrcCommand == "MODE" ) || ( IrcCommand == "NICK" ) || ( IrcCommand == "JOIN" ) || ( IrcCommand == "PART" ) || ( IrcCommand == "QUIT" ) )
      // Send a NAMES request.
      socket[ 0 ].Send( "NAMES :" + chan + "\n" );
   // Somethings been said in our HomeChannel.
   if ( channel == chan )
      // Find the text that was typed.
         FindText   =   split( raw[ 0 ], ":" ),
         text      =   FindText.len() > 1 ? FindText[ 1 ] : "",
         prefix      =   text != "" ? text.slice( 0, 1 ) : "";

      // Find the command that was typed.
         Findcmd      =   text != "" ? split( text, " " ) : "",
         cmd      =   Findcmd != "" ? Findcmd[ 0 ].slice( 1, Findcmd[ 0 ].len() ) : "";

      // Find the text that was typed after the command.
         NewText      =   text != "" ? strip( text.slice( cmd.len() + 1, text.len() ) ) : "";

      // Find the person that typed the text.
         FindNick    =   split( raw[ 0 ], "!" ),
         Nick      =   FindNick[ 0 ].slice( 1, FindNick[ 0 ].len() );

      // Ensure a command was typed with our prefix.
      if ( prefix  == PREFIX )
         // Depending how many bot's we have connected, depends how many times we recieve the data.
         // So we need to only forward the last recieved data to the command handler.

         // We do this using the 'Modulus Operator', This checks that our 'data recieved counter' devides into
         // the total number of bot's we have connected, ensuring that we only forward the recieved data once.

         if ( count % BotNick.len() == 0 )
            // Forward to our command handler.
            ProcessCommands( Nick, cmd, NewText );

         // Increase our 'recieved data' counter.

function Login()
   // Our counter.
   local t = 0;
   // Iterate the BotNames
   while ( t < BotNick.len() )
      // Set the bots name and real name
      socket[ t ].Send( "USER " + BotNick[ t ] + " 0 * : " + BotNick[ t ] + " \n" );

      // Set the nick that the bot will use on the irc server
      socket[ t ].Send( "NICK " + BotNick[ t ] + "\n" );
      // Increase our counter.

// Send a message to be echoed.
function SendToIRC( text )
   // Establish the index of the next bot.
      BotID      =   FindNexBotId();

   // Send the data to IRC.
   socket[ BotID ].Send( "PRIVMSG " + chan + " " + text + "\n" );

// Establish the index of the next bot.
function FindNexBotId()
   // If the index exists.
         next    =    BotNick.find( prev ) + 1;   // Find the next array index.
         prev    =    BotNick[ next ];      // Put it's value in our var.
      return  next;                  // Return the index.
   } catch ( e ) { prev = BotNick[ 0 ]; return 0; }      // Return index zero on error.

function EchoNotice( USER, TEXT )
  BotID  = FindNexBotId();

 // Send the data to IRC.
socket[ BotID ].Send("NOTICE " + USER + " " + TEXT + "\n");

// A empty class to store Channel Users and their levels.
class UserLevels
   // The Constructor.
    constructor( ... ) {

      user    =    vargv[ 0 ];
      level   =   vargv[ 1 ];
      ilevel   =   vargv[ 2 ];

   // Reset Property values
   user    =    null;
   level    =    null;
   ilevel   =   null;

// Find the specified user's level.
function FindLevel( user, ilevel )
   // Iterate our NickList array.
   foreach ( obj in NickList )
      // Ensure a class instance was found.
      if ( obj != null )
         // Add the object properties to a tmp variable, so we can access squirrel's VM built in manipulation functions for that data type.
         local tmp = obj.user;

         // Perform a string comparison, if we get a match, return the 'level' property.
         if ( tmp.find( user ) != null )
            // Return the numerical level if 'true'
            if ( ilevel ) return obj.ilevel;
            // Otherwise return the Non-Numerical level.
            else return obj.level;

// The commands.
function ProcessCommands( nick, cmd, text )
   if ( cmd == "commands" )
      SendToIRC( ">> Current commands: " + "say, players" );
   else if ( cmd == "level" )
      // Change parameter two, to 'true' for numerical level.
      SendToIRC( FindLevel( nick, false ) );
   else if ( cmd == "say" )
      // Check text is not a empty string.
      if ( text == "" ) SendToIRC( "Error: Missing paremeter - text" );
         // Send the message in-game
         Message("[#990000][[#E0E0E0]" + FindLevel( nick, false ) + " [#990000]] [#E0E0E0]" + nick + "[#990000]:[#E0E0E0]" +  " " + text );
         // Echo it back, so we know whats happening.
          SendToIRC( "[ irc " + FindLevel( nick, false ) + " ] " + nick + ":" +  " " + text );
   else if ( cmd == "players" )
      // A tempory var to collect our players in
      local    tmp    =    "",
         count   =    0;

      // Iterate all players   
      for( local i=0; i < 50; ++i )
         // Grab it's instance in a variable.
         local plr = FindPlayer( i );

         // If a instance has been found
         if ( plr )
            // Add it to our temp string.
            tmp = tmp + " " + plr.Name + "[" + plr.ID + "]" + ",",

            // Increase our counter
      // Output if tmp is not a empty string still.
      tmp != "" ? SendToIRC( "Online Players: " + strip( tmp.slice(0, tmp.len() - 1) ) ) : "";

      // Output our player count.
      SendToIRC( "Total players: " + count );

   // Anything else is a unknown command.
   else SendToIRC( "I don't know that command!" );