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Messages - Nihongo^

Quote from: MEGAMIND on Dec 19, 2018, 07:10 AM
Quote from: Nihongo^ on Dec 19, 2018, 06:40 AMThank you so much mega mind i am facing an other problem can you help me in it ? after this consel box close

Further info at Discord

I am sorry sir i don't use discord can you tell me here ? if you don't mind
Thank you so much mega mind i am facing an other problem can you help me in it ? after this consel box close

Quote from: MEGAMIND on Dec 17, 2018, 11:02 AM
Quote from: Nihongo^ on Dec 16, 2018, 02:45 PMHi there where can i download FBS irc script ?
Ever searched inside snippets showroom or ever used OLD warcheif echo.nut??
Yes but unable to find   OLD warcheif echo.nut
Hi there where can i download FBS irc script ?
Support / : Property system bug
Sep 21, 2018, 02:05 PM
Hi thanks for your help i am facing an other problem now cmd not placing Name on DB kindly check the image and function

function CreateProperty( name, price, x, y, z, world )
    local see_dbProperties = QuerySQL ( dbProperties, "SELECT * FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='table' AND name='Properties'" );
    if( !see_dbProperties ) return print( "[dbProps] There are no properties." );
    else FreeSQLQuery( see_dbProperties );
        local p = CreatePickup( PROP_MODEL_FORSALE, world, 0, x, y, z, 255, true );
        if( p )
            prop[ p.ID ] = null;
            prop[ p.ID ] = Property(); // important
            prop[ p.ID ].ID = _srv_Properties;
            prop[ p.ID ].Name = name;
            prop[ p.ID ].Price = price;
            prop[ p.ID ].Owner = NO_OWNER_MSG;
            prop[ p.ID ].Sharing = NO_SHARING_MSG;
            prop[ p.ID ].Description = NO_DESCRIPTION_MSG;
            prop[ p.ID ].x = x;
            prop[ p.ID ].y = y;
            prop[ p.ID ].z = z;
            prop[ p.ID ].World = world;
            local   query = format( "INSERT INTO Properties ( ID, Name, Price, Owner, Sharing, Description, x, y, z, World ) VALUES ( %i, '%s', %i, '%s', '%s', '%s', %f, %f, %f, %i )",
                        _srv_Properties, name, price, NO_OWNER_MSG, NO_SHARING_MSG, NO_DESCRIPTION_MSG, x, y, z, world );
            QuerySQL( dbProperties, query );
            _srv_Properties += 1;

else if( cmd == "addprop" )
            if( !text ) return pMSG( "Error - Syntax: /" + cmd + " <price> <name>", player );
            else if( player.Vehicle ) return pMSG( "Error - Exit the vehicle first.", player );
            else if( NumTok( text, " " ) < 2 ) return pMSG( "Error - Syntax: /" + cmd + " <price> <name>", player );
            else if( typeof( GetTok( text, " ", 1 ).tointeger() ) != "integer" ) return pMSG( "Error - Usually 'price' means numbers...", player );
            else if( GetTok( text, " ", 2, NumTok( text, " " ) ).tolower() == "default" ) return pMSG( "Error - The name 'default' cannot be used.", player );
                local   price = GetTok( text, " ", 1 ).tointeger(),
                        name = GetTok( text, " ", 2, NumTok( text, " " ) );
                CreateProperty( name, price, player.Pos.x, player.Pos.y, player.Pos.z, player.World )                 
                pMSG( "[dbProperties]: Property " + name + " was created.", player);
I am getting this error
"plugin is for incompatible API version 0.0 (current is 2.0)."

 i am trying to download latest version of plugins but site is down  ( )

Support / Re: Vcruntim140.dll
Sep 21, 2018, 05:16 AM
Quote from: ysc3839 on Sep 20, 2018, 09:45 AMDownload and install this . Don't use a dll from Internet, that may cause problem.
Thanks for your reply but its giving error how can i fix it ?
Support / Vcruntim140.dll
Sep 20, 2018, 06:15 AM
Any way to fix it ?
Support / Re: Property system bug
Sep 16, 2018, 04:30 PM
Hi thanka for your kind reply
I am sorry I am noon in scripting just started recently
 I replace it with numtok kindly check the code o think I did it wrong can u correct it if you don't mind

else if( typeof( IsNum( text, " ", 1 ).tointeger() ) != "integer" ) return pMSG( "Error - Usually 'price' means numbers...", player );
Support / Re: Property system bug
Sep 16, 2018, 01:10 PM
Support / Property system bug
Sep 16, 2018, 01:09 PM
I am trying to add Basic property system  on my script

but i am getting error here also can you guys explain "typeoff" ?
Thanks for your time guys really appreciate if your help me

Support / Re: Server browser ( VCMP Client )
May 02, 2018, 12:39 PM
Support / Server browser ( VCMP Client )
Apr 30, 2018, 08:44 AM
Server browser ( VCMP Client ) link is down

where can i download latest version ?
General Discussion / Version 04rel004:
Mar 19, 2018, 04:36 PM
can i maual download Version 04rel004 from here
and place it somewhere? so it dont come after starting the server
I am facing the same problem. I my self bought windows vps with 64 bit support. But suck to know 0.4 developers lazy enough that  can't fix some plugins
 json04rel64 and geoip04rel64
both are not supporting by windows