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Messages - Nihongo^

Support / Re: screen is terminating help ?
Nov 20, 2017, 01:38 PM
Quote from: Doom_Kill3R on Nov 20, 2017, 12:34 PMServer might be failing to start
You don't say!!!!

Dude how to fix screen problem
Support / screen is terminating help ?
Nov 20, 2017, 04:34 AM
what's the problem when i give screen command to run script it said screen is terminating help ?

Support / Re: Two problems with Linux VPS.
Nov 17, 2017, 10:46 AM
Quote from: Xmair on Nov 17, 2017, 10:45 AMMaybe try learning Linux?
Support / Two problems with Linux VPS.
Nov 17, 2017, 07:26 AM
First of all i am sorry if i post in wrong section.

OK i've bought a vps and install my script + permission every thing is working fine till now.One of my noob friend said put this command

Quote./server -allow-server-runas-root

After that my script start running.My frind wants to change server's name so i press CTRL+Z ( to turn off the server ). i change the server name and again gives the same command to run the server
Quote./server -allow-server-runas-root

A error occurred "Port 5192 is already used are you using it ?" but the server was off so i change the port to 5196 and put the command.The server start normally. so how do i completely  kill the server ? in order to run again with same port next time

ok the second problem is

When i turn off the putty the server off with it. Cmon its mean i have to turn putty 24/7 on lmao. ( kidding ).Since i am new in 0.4 and forgot everything so maybe there's an other commad to run server (even if you exit the putty server still on )
Kindly help 
General Discussion / Re: 04rel004 Files ?
Oct 25, 2017, 04:40 AM
Quote from: Xmair on Oct 24, 2017, 03:14 PMThe version files are located in your VCMP's install directory. The server files are located in %appdata%/VCMP/04beta/store/ip-port but I advise you not to steal them.
Dude* i said 04rel004 version flies.NOT Server's STORE files
General Discussion / Re: 04rel004 Files ?
Oct 24, 2017, 02:30 PM
folder name ?
General Discussion / Re: 04rel004 Files ?
Oct 24, 2017, 02:03 PM
dude i said where they locate after download
General Discussion / 04rel004 Files ?
Oct 24, 2017, 01:36 PM
where these files are going ? where they located/save after download  ?

Quote from: MatheuS on Sep 07, 2017, 11:00 AM
Quote from: Nihongo^ on Sep 07, 2017, 10:46 AMHello guys i have a question last night i install new windows and then after doing all setting ( installing vcmp and GTA VC Directory )

i start vcmp and join VK's server its start download files which was 87. i was thinking about these files where he located ?. After

a research i found all files its located at C:\Users\admin\AppData\Roaming\VCMP\04beta\store\<IP>

ok i found all server files

Since its located at C: Drive and after installing new windows we format c drive and all Files including these vcmp files delete ok ?

so what if i COPY ALL FILES and save them to drive D after installing new windows i paste them back to


what you think ? still i have to wait for download files ?

No, you don't need wait for download files again.
Its mean its work ;d
Hello guys i have a question last night i install new windows and then after doing all setting ( installing vcmp and GTA VC Directory )

i start vcmp and join VK's server its start download files which was 87. i was thinking about these files where he located ?. After

a research i found all files its located at C:\Users\admin\AppData\Roaming\VCMP\04beta\store\<IP>

ok i found all server files

Since its located at C: Drive and after installing new windows we format c drive and all Files including these vcmp files delete ok ?

so what if i COPY ALL FILES and save them to drive D after installing new windows i paste them back to


what you think ? still i have to wait for download files ?
Support / Re: Linux VPS no file or directory
Dec 26, 2016, 04:47 AM
Sry Danix its not work btw jweb here;s my OS list i am using Debian -7.0-x86_64

Support / Re: Linux VPS no file or directory
Dec 25, 2016, 06:27 PM
i order 32 bit noob idk how company send me 64 bit vps i;ll talk them later  btw
sry another problem pooped it

 i need version GLIBC_2.14 where can i get it ?
Support / Re: Linux VPS no file or directory
Dec 25, 2016, 05:56 PM
lol Solved my vps is 64 bit not 32 :V Thank you all
Support / Re: Linux VPS no file or directory
Dec 25, 2016, 01:40 PM


well i try it but not work same issue

Support / Linux VPS no file or directory
Dec 25, 2016, 09:05 AM
Hi there i have 32 bit linux vps i have a problem when i try to run server on vps it say no file or directory

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