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Messages - Nihongo^

Quote from: . on Nov 28, 2016, 02:24 PM
Quote from: Nihongo^ on Nov 28, 2016, 02:21 PMi mean i want an example like if someone pop your head it said headshot like this ?

Seriously dude? You can't even come up with that?

function onPlayerKill(killer, player, reason, body_part)
    if (body_part == BODYPART_HEAD)
there's no Fucntion call PLAY THE DAMN SOUND btw that's what i want

bro i dont have any idea about PlayTheDamnSound(...); Code -.- 
i mean i want an example like if someone pop your head it said headshot like this ?
yes but how does it works ?
how can i run Voice function in server  LIKE EC have,  if someone pop your head it said "HEADSHOT"
Solved Thanks
i am trying to create goto function which canceled teleport if player move but i got an error


else if ( cmd == "goto" )   
if( !text ) MessagePlayer( "[#40FF00][COMMAND] - [#F7FE2E]/goto <player/ID>", player );
else if( !player.IsSpawned ) MessagePlayer( "[#FF0000][ERROR] - [#F7FE2E]You haven't spawned.", player );
local plr = GetPlayer( GetTok( text, " ", 1 ) );
if( !plr ) MessagePlayer( "[#FF0000][ERROR] - [#F7FE2E]Unknown player/ID.", player );
else if( !plr.IsSpawned ) MessagePlayer( "[#FF0000][ERROR] - [#F7FE2E]The player you are trying to teleport has not spawned yet.", player );
else if( status[ plr.ID ].ngoto ) MessagePlayer( "[#FF0000][ERROR] - [#F7FE2E]The player you want to teleport to has nogoto on.", player );
MessagePlayer( "[#40FF00][COMMAND] - [#F7FE2E]You wont be Teleport if you move within 4 secs to prevent from death evade.", player );
NewTimer( "going", 300, 1, player.ID, plr.ID, player.Pos.x, player.Pos.y, player.Pos.z );
catch(e) print( "error goto: " + e)


 function going( playerID, x, y, z )

local player = FindPlayer(playerID);

               local x1 = player.Pos.x;

               local y1 = player.Pos.y;

               local z1 = player.Pos.z;

      if( ( x==x1 ) && ( y==y1 ) && ( z==z1 ) ) PGoto( player );

      else MessagePlayer( "[#FF0000][ERROR] - [#F7FE2E]You have been moved so you haven't been healed.", player);



function PGoto( playerID, plrID )

local player = FindPlayer(playerID), plr = FindPlayer(plrID);
    if(player && plr)
         player.Pos = plr.Pos;

  MessagePlayer( "[#40FF00][COMMAND] - [#F7FE2E]Successfully teleported to " + plr + "." , player );
i am using this Fjose Team System  but i found error on FInd Player

Quote from: Kewun on Nov 05, 2016, 08:00 AMwell we are trying to help you, just move the ramp to right using RotateTo function

try it, it wont hurt.
Seriously i just found it a while ago and came here to modify my post i thought you're making fun Sorry if my words hurt you   ( and this stuff )
Thanks Solved
Quote from: Kewun on Nov 04, 2016, 04:58 PMshow some code

This ramp is rotate to left how do i fix it ?

Please ignore it and tell me something about it
class PInfo
request = 51;
team = false;
teamp = null;

function onScriptLoad()
stats <- array( GetMaxPlayers(), null );

function onPlayerJoin( player )
print( "Player " + player.Name + " joined. [" + player.ID + "]" );
        stats[ player.ID ] = PInfo();

function onPlayerSpawn( player )
  if ( stats[ player.ID ].team )
    local plr = GetPlayer( stats[ player.ID ].teamp );
    if ( plr.Spawned )
   player.Skin = 0;
       player.Skin = plr.Skin;
       player.Team = plr.Team;
   player.Pos = plr.Pos;

function onPlayerCommand( player, cmd, text )
local i = 0;
local plr = player;
if ( text )
i = NumTok( text, " " );
if (i == 1) plr = GetPlayer( text );
  if ( cmd.tolower() == "team" )
      local plr = GetPlayer( text );
      if ( !text )MessagePlayer( "Wrong syntax.", player );
      else if (( text ) && ( !plr )) MessagePlayer( "Unknown Player.", player );
      else if ( stats[ player.ID ].team ) MessagePlayer( "Already in team.", player );
      else if (( plr ) && ( stats[ plr.ID ].team )) MessagePlayer( "This player is already in a team.", player );
     PrivMessage( ">>" + player.Name + " would like to team up with you.", plr );
     PrivMessage( "Team-up message sent.", player );
     stats[ player.ID ].request = plr.ID;

   else if ( cmd.tolower() == "accept" )
       local plr = GetPlayer( text );
       if ( !text ) MessagePlayer( "Wrong syntax. [/c accept player].", player );
       else if (( text ) && ( !plr )) MessagePlayer( "Unknown Player.", player );
       else if (( plr ) && ( player.ID != stats[ plr.ID ].request )) MessagePlayer( "This player haven't sent you team request.", player );
       else if ( stats[ player.ID ].team ) MessagePlayer( "Already in a team.", player );
       Message( ">> " + player.Name + " has teamed-up with " + plr.Name + "." );
       stats[ player.ID ].team = true;
       player.Skin = 0;
       player.Skin = plr.Skin;
       player.Team = plr.Team;
   player.Pos = plr.Pos;
       stats[ plr.ID ].teamp = player.Name;
       stats[ player.ID ].teamp = plr.Name;

   else if ( cmd.tolower() == "deny" )
     local plr = GetPlayer( text );
    if ( !text ) MessagePlayer( "Wrong syntax. [/c deny player].", player );
    else if (( text ) && ( !plr )) MessagePlayer( "Unknown Player.", player );
    else if (( plr ) && ( player.ID != stats[ plr.ID ].request )) MessagePlayer( "This player haven't sent you team request.", player );
        Message( ">>" + player.Name + " denied team request from " + plr.Name + "." );
    stats[ plr.ID ].request = 51;

  else if ( cmd.tolower() == "leave" )
    if ( stats[ player.ID ].team )
   local plr = GetPlayer( stats[ player.ID ].teamp );
   Message( ">>" + player.Name + " left the team." );
   stats[ player.ID ].team = false;
   stats[ plr.ID ].teamp = null;
   stats[ player.ID ].teamp = null;

function onPlayerPart( player, reason )
  if ( stats[ player.ID ].team )
   local plr = GetPlayer( stats[ player.ID ].teamp );
   Message( ">>" + player.Name + " left the team." );
   stats[ plr.ID ].teamp = null;
   stats[ player.ID ] = null;

function GetPlayer( plr )
    if ( plr )
        if ( IsNum( plr ) )
            plr = FindPlayer( plr.tointeger() );
            if ( plr ) return plr;
            else return null;
            plr = FindPlayer( plr );
            if ( plr ) return plr;
            else return null;
    else return null;

function NumTok(string, separator)
local tokenized = split(string, separator);
return tokenized.len();

function GetTok(string, separator, n, ...)
local m = vargv.len() > 0 ? vargv[0] : n,
  tokenized = split(string, separator),
  text = "";

if (n > tokenized.len() || n < 1) return null;
for (; n <= m; n++)
text += text == "" ? tokenized[n-1] : separator + tokenized[n-1];
return text;
any one ?