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Messages - Nihongo^

Support / Linux server run
Sep 14, 2016, 08:17 AM
im trying to run server on my Linux vps ( 64 bit )

i have few questions

how can i run server i mean commands  ( when i use this command  -allow-server-runas-root the server start but after close the putty server also off how can i fix it ?

how can i restart or turn off the server  ( when i again try to run server it said port already in use but the server is off )

Thanks Saiyan it works :
i have a problem with prop when i pick any pickup it gave me wrong detail

Quotefunction onPickupPickedUp( player, pickup )

    pickup.RespawnTime = 2;
 if ( pickup.Model == 407 )
     local q = QuerySQL( db, "SELECT * FROM Props WHERE rowid='" + pickup.ID + "'" );
  if ( q )
  ePrivMessage( "===> " + GetSQLColumnData( q, 0 ) + " <===", player );
  ePrivMessage( "ID:[ " + pickup.ID + " ] Cost:[ $" + GetSQLColumnData( q, 1 ) + " ] Owner:[ " + GetSQLColumnData( q, 2 ) + " ] Share:[ " + GetSQLColumnData( q, 3 ) + " ]", player );
  ePrivMessage( "Forsale:[ " + CheckForsale( pickup.ID ) + " ]", player );

For @xmair   i was going to post it on Scripting and Server Management  but maybe i accidentally click Script Showroom hope some one move it
Quote from: KAKAN on Sep 12, 2016, 06:56 AMyou can see it clearly. That means the clan doesn't exist. Make sure that the clans are inserted into that array.

Sorry i found some mistakes in code which has been fixed  :P why did not you tell  me about inserting tags in clan array like

Quoteclans <- ["vu"];

now my script is loaded and he found the tag but its print something weird
like ( array : 0x005D17B8)
Quote from: Doom_Kill3R on Sep 11, 2016, 11:18 AMif( Tag = null )

Should be

if( Tag == null )

Sorry about the double post thanks doom its work but its print 0 in concel

see full =

its werid after getting the answere "YES" i lock the topic and create another one

btw i know about semicolan numbers blah but i was completly forgot about it i start scripting after a long time
keep calm i can't make topic every time if u want i will change the topic name
oh well ok i place it after the array it gave bug now here

see full =

so i remove the 
Quoteprint( typeof clans )

this happend
see full =

oh so i replace , to ; my script run successful

see full image =

but when i put the
Quoteprint( GetTag( "VU" ) )
it gave error again at same place :(

see full image =

ok i'll added but i can't get it what is print( typeof clans ); ?

what does "type of clan" there's no function on it -.-
wait problem is not in print Tag i remove it
it still giving bug there
can't simply used that function some mind needed like i have to replace

Quotereturn Clan;
Quotereturn FindClan[ Tag ];

btw again its giving bug at

if( Clan == null )
Clans and Families / Re: [DBZ] Dragon Ball Z
Sep 09, 2016, 04:34 PM
its giving bug at line 536 which is

Quoteif ( Tag == null )   

btw i act upon your advice but my script still not loaded