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Messages - ressam



[spoiler=extra screenshots]

build.rar (329Kb)




v6400_t0_p4_policekuruma.7z (108KB)

base model by me  :


cafe.rar (1.4mb)
Servers / Re: Pure DM
Jan 14, 2021, 12:32 PM
good luck man i like last video xd
Object Showroom / Re: Front Page Cafe
Jan 10, 2021, 09:18 PM
Good luck
good luck.
Servers / Re: FunVice Deathmatch server
Nov 15, 2020, 06:16 PM
good luck
General Discussion / Re: R2 Features
Oct 23, 2020, 05:57 PM
Quote from: Inferno on Oct 23, 2020, 05:46 PMYou can use return 0; in OnPlayerChat to hide original chat,.

as for scoreboard, idk if its possible to hide it.
Can't assign it to another key?
nice 8)
Videos & Screenshots / Re: pls don't die
Sep 07, 2020, 12:53 PM
Quote from: Sebastian on Sep 07, 2020, 08:19 AMMmm,  I like how it looks!  Nice!
Can you provide a logo. Png for it?
İ add this topic png no backgound

Quote from: Shy on Sep 07, 2020, 08:20 AMDevs have no longer any interest in the project and didn't show for a while in this summer.

Nice logo :)
thanks and
it's really bad an so sad.

Videos & Screenshots / pls don't die
Sep 07, 2020, 05:37 AM
I tried to arrange the logo made specially for 10 years of gta vc according to vcmp

[spoiler=Orignal Rockstar logo ][/spoiler]
[spoiler=My logo background ][/spoiler]
[spoiler=My logo no background ][/spoiler]

DECAY - //
* Rendering is always shitty.
* And the mod is not dead yet? right, why is there still no update? Can someone tell me the event? What happened?

good job