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Messages - vcmptr

Anyone know what happened to It's only shows blank page.
Bugs and Crashes / Run on the ground
Jan 21, 2017, 08:21 PM
When i crush someone with a car they are falling but still running.
I can tranlate Turkish.
I just wonder: Server owners can be overload clients (and unavailable/lock Windows) with client-site scripts?
HTTP page downloader. Like this. I've tried with sockets but I could not.
If you need Turkish translator PM me. :)
If I want see all servers I must refresh list few times. Please watch the video.
Quote from: ysc3839 on Aug 08, 2015, 06:42 AMA very simple HTTP request.
function HTTP()
Socket <- NewSocket("DataFunc");
Socket.Connect("", 80)

function DataFunc(data)

function ConnFunc()
local request = @"GET / HTTP/1.1

Thanks ysc! :)
Can I get HTTP page content using sockets? I don't know how to use socket but if it's possible I will try learn use sockets.
Quote from: S.L.C on Jul 22, 2015, 01:17 PM
Quote from: vcmptr on Jul 22, 2015, 01:10 PMYou are man! :D

But that's what it says on my profile, doesn't it? :-\

Hmm okay... ???
Quote from: S.L.C on Jul 22, 2015, 11:30 AMYou guys know you can backup the original print and overwrite it with your own without needing to change everything in your script to use `print2`. Like this example:
local PrintBackup = print;
print <- function(msg)
    PrintBackup("Now calling the actual print");

print("Testing overwrite");

Thus, allowing you to implement a fragmented print function.
local PrintBackup = print;
print <- function( msg )
    for (local n = 0, m = msg.len(); n < m; n += 512)
        if ( (n + 512) > m )
            PrintBackup( msg.slice( n ) );
            PrintBackup( msg.slice( n, (n + 512) ) );

In case the issue is unbearable. I never had to deal with strings that long tbh :-\
You are man! :D Thanks!  I will update script. :)
Snippet Showroom / [Temporary] Print Slicer
Jul 22, 2015, 11:14 AM
This bug still not fixed. I can't wait for fix. I created temporary print function.

function PrintSlicer()
local PrintBackup = print;
print <- function(string)
string = ""+string+""
  local x = string.len()/512;
  local cpt = 0;
  for(local i = 0; i != x; i++)
   cpt += 512;
   PrintBackup(string.slice(cpt-512, cpt));
  PrintBackup(string.slice(cpt, (cpt+(string.len()%512))));
  PrintBackup("Sliced prints ("+(x+1)+" slices) ");
 else PrintBackup(string);
How to apply?
Just call function in onScriptLoad.

Quote from: S.L.C on Jul 14, 2015, 11:41 AM
Quote from: vcmptr on Jul 14, 2015, 11:38 AMSomeone explain me what does mean happy minute? ???

Is that moment when you realize how stupid this topic really is and you end up laughing for a minute or so ;D It's called "happy minute" or "happy minute(s)" in some cases.

Quote from: subhamrocks on Jul 14, 2015, 11:59 AM
Quote from: vcmptr on Jul 14, 2015, 11:38 AMSomeone explain me what does mean happy minute? ???
Is That Moment in VCCNR Server When a robbber rob  a shop he got random cash.
Thanks. :)
Someone explain me what does mean happy minute? ???