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Messages - JerryLe

Quote from: Stormeus on Jun 28, 2016, 12:57 PMNot sure needs to forward his ports. If he did, the masterlist wouldn't have sent a success response as it wouldn't be able to reach the server.

I see the IP for the server in the masterlist but Thijn's checker is reporting it as down. Not sure if this is due to the server actually being down.

It has just happened for 3 days.
My server actually was opened w/ 10-20 active players per day before.
Quote from: Thijn on Jun 26, 2016, 10:13 AMPost your console output. I've said the exact same thing in your previous topic but I guess it's really hard to read.

Can you check this, i think i have the same problem with this guy so i post here.

Quote from: maxorator on May 02, 2016, 10:52 PMMySQL module is compiled using a precompiled library from Oracle which does not support XP/Server 2003.

Any solution? I need it to create registration email verification.
Er... is it mean i have to change my OS?
p/s: can u check function Player.SetAlpha, it doesnt work for me -server version 004
My OS is windows server 2003 R2, 32bit.

I got this error line in server_log.txt:
Plugin error >> LoadLibrary() 'plugins/mysql04rel32.dll' failed: Code 127Failed to load plugin: mysql04rel32