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Messages - DizzasTeR

Here you go :)

    function _get(index) {
        return null;
    function _set(index, value) {
        rawset(index, value);

CPlayer.rawnewmember("data", {}.setdelegate(LUA_DELEGATE))

if(! = "some value";

print(; // some value

Disclaimer: Might not work on official squirrel plugin due to new instances of CPlayer getting generated and returned sometimes
You can try using instanceof operator.

if(myVariable instanceof Vector) { ... }
Change line endings to UNIX when uploading to your host (Search about it, its easy to do)
Community Plugins / Re: Discord
Oct 07, 2022, 12:43 PM
Quote from: Pun1sh3r on Oct 05, 2022, 06:19 PMWould be nice if you can compile it for Linux or help with the Problem?

Have you cloned the plugin repository recursively? Because it has DPP as a submodule added to it, so cmake will build DPP for you hence you shouldn't be getting the link error. If you still cannot figure it out you could also get pre-build dpp linux binaries from here and look into that.

If you still cannot figure it out, you'll have to wait for weekend and hopefully I can look into it or provide you with linux binaries
Any heavy mods usually related to graphics, fixes or ENB mods will result in a crash.
Community Plugins / Re: Discord
Aug 07, 2022, 09:57 AM
Released v2.0

Both x64 and x86 builds are available for download at:

Linux build will eventually get added but it should be fairly easy to build the plugin on linux

  • Switched to DPP library (Major, sleepy-discord has gotten worse and worse in terms of building, linking and as an effective library)
  • Fixed crashes
  • Remove extraneous code
  • Miscellaneous improvements
  • SQ_onDiscordChannel is now removed
  • SQ_onMemberEdit has a changed signature (string jsonFormattedData, string justHereForCompatability)
  • Discord_SendMessageToChannelName was missing, added

Again, the purpose of this plugin is just to have echo like we used to in IRC days, I can add more events or simple functions if very severely requested but that is about it.

Please note that now you have to copy and paste DLLs into your server directory on windows when using this plugin, they are provided at GitHub release page
Support / Re: glitch in-game
Aug 06, 2022, 09:28 AM
Remove any ENB mods
You can get latest EG A/D server files from this link (up to date):

instead of manually downloading them.
General Discussion / Re: Hi guys a new idea
Apr 16, 2022, 06:10 AM
Yeah all of that is definitely do-able but again I can't think of any way to address the issue I mentioned in my first post, how do we get around the issue of priority calls, 2 snippets that use the same event may break if one is not executed first (Check 2nd paragraph in my first post)

Although this can be so so much easier to do with SqMod, since it supports 100% (So far there hasn't been any official squirrel plugin script that SqMod can't run in backward compatibility) and SqMod can easily let you download and run scripts in a package-manager based environment because you simply add 1 line to the config file, no event name changes, no function name changes and you're done.
General Discussion / Re: Hi guys a new idea
Apr 15, 2022, 01:34 PM
I get where you're coming from, this is pretty much what package managers do, the problem we have is VCMP has no event bindings or any concept of script modularity/packages/resources whatever you want to call it which is why something like this is going to be painful to implement.

One issue this would have on the current structure of VCMP scripts working is that Snippet A inserts code in onPlayerJoin and Snippet B also inserts code in onPlayerJoin but the code of Snippet B MUST be executed BEFORE the code of Snippet A, there's no way to manage that if someone installs A first and B second.
Again, this is the same thing as Health of players on client-side. This value is only being synced when both players are within stream distance of each other otherwise their old values are used.

For reference and some more explanation & example check this post:
Unban is not a question of when it will happen, but rather will it happen. That's up to the devs to decide. However, considering the fact that there is concrete proof of the extremely atrocious actions taken by some communities and members, they deserve a more strict legal action than just a masterlist blacklist.

This topic has been here for enough time to serve its purpose and for you to know the answer of "if you are going to be whitelisted".

No more insults, spam accounts and accusations. If devs or any other mod has anything to add or update on the matter will do so.

Support / Re: vc-mp have stream sound Now?
Oct 17, 2021, 12:38 PM
Support / Re: vc-mp have stream sound Now?
Oct 17, 2021, 11:36 AM
You can have custom sounds and make them play only in some areas (They are unreliable) but you cannot play sound streams no, its not possible.