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Messages - Hendrix

Community Plugins / Re: Discord Plugin
Jun 03, 2022, 12:58 PM
I'm having problems loading the plugin
Loaded plugin: xmlconf04rel64

Loaded plugin: sqlite04rel64

Loaded plugin: squirrel04rel64

Loaded plugin: hashing04rel64

Loaded plugin: geoip04rel64

Loaded plugin: sockets04rel64

Loaded plugin: announce04rel64

Plugin error >> LoadLibrary() 'plugins/discord04rel64.dll' failed: Code 126
Failed to load plugin: discord04rel64

** Started VC:MP 0.4 Server **
 Port: 8192
 Max players: 100

[MODULE]  Loaded server.conf Loader for 0.4 by Stormeus
[MODULE]     >> Loaded server.conf for parsing
[MODULE]     >> Applied settings
[MODULE]     >> Loaded classes
[MODULE]     >> Loaded vehicles
[MODULE]     >> Loaded pickups
[MODULE]  Loaded server.conf successfully

[MODULE]  Loaded SQLite3 for VC:MP by Stormeus.

[MODULE]  Loaded SqVCMP 0.4 frontend by Stormeus. (v1.0)
[SCRIPT]  |------------------------------|
[SCRIPT]  | Server                       |
[SCRIPT]  | Made by Mack                 |
[SCRIPT]  |------------------------------|
[SCRIPT]  Vehiculos cargados: 0
[SCRIPT]  Config Loaded
[SCRIPT]  Total vehicles loaded: 221
[SCRIPT]  [Loaded] Alias - 11242
[SCRIPT]  Pickups Loaded - 0
[SCRIPT]  Confirming echo bot details...
[SCRIPT]  Bot details confirmed!
[MODULE]  Loaded GeoIP for 0.4 by Crys.
            >> Loaded GeoIP.dat (GeoIP Country Edition)

[MODULE]  Loaded sq_sockets for VC:MP by the LU Dev Team (ported by Stormeus).
announcer: Ready to announce to masterlist(s)
[SCRIPT]  Attempting to set user, nick and mode....
[SCRIPT]  Task completed successfully.

and already install Win64OpenSSL_Light-3_0_3 and Win64OpenSSL-3_0_3 the full my operating system is x64
version 0.3z was the realm of doings
Support / Re: [HELP]Whitelist IP
Aug 14, 2021, 07:38 PM
why did you get banned?
what are the requirements to become an official server?
I have my server since 2017 active and it is not official
General Discussion / Re: Help
Oct 09, 2020, 11:44 AM
Quote from: AdTec_224 on Oct 09, 2020, 04:19 AMI have removed that IP from the ban list, however any more "security" issues and It'll be permanently banned.
It is understood. thank you very much
General Discussion / Re: Help
Oct 09, 2020, 02:03 AM
@AdTec_224 These?
General Discussion / Re: Help
Oct 09, 2020, 02:02 AM
Quote from: Inferno on Oct 09, 2020, 01:58 AM

But Stormeus hasn't been active for months and i don't think anyone else can unban those servers.

@Stormeus He is active but I don't think he was But I would like to make the request in a coordinated way since the ban was due to a security problem in the system
General Discussion / Unban masterlist
Oct 09, 2020, 01:55 AM
In which part of the forum do I make a request to unban my VPS IP?
If anyone knows I commented
General Discussion / Re: VCMP Client on linux
Oct 04, 2020, 03:41 PM
Quote from: sabin72246 on Oct 04, 2020, 02:33 PMVice City base game works flawlessly on Linux. While the VCMP server browser installs too there is no name displayed but I can click on any line and details are shown on the bottom this is fine but the game never starts when I click on connect.
Has anyone able to get the server browser to work or can anything be done by me?
Screenshot of VCMP Browser:
you are running it with WiNE?
Quote from: AdTec_224 on Oct 03, 2020, 10:29 PMThat IP has been banned from the masterlist as it was a fake version of an official server (proof). Anyone hosting scam servers like this will be banned without warning.
The IP is from the [SD] Private Deathmatch Server and it had a security problem in the / exec command and a funny change the name of the server. and in which part of the forum do I apply to unblock the ip.
A few days ago I realized that the servers that you asked for are not appearing in the masterlist. I noticed that something comes out in the cosola

Vice City Multiplayer Server


v0.4, (c) 2007-2014 VC:MP Team

Loaded plugin: xmlconf04rel64

announcer: Verbosity enabled

Loaded plugin: announce04rel64

Loaded plugin: squirrel04rel64

Loaded plugin: sqlite04rel64

Loaded plugin: sockets04rel64

Loaded plugin: hashing04rel64

Loaded plugin: json04rel64

Loaded plugin: vcmp-squirrel-mmdb-rel64

Loaded plugin: geoip04rel64

Loaded plugin: actor64

** Started VC:MP 0.4 Server **

Port: 8192

Max players: 100

[MODULE]  Loaded server.conf Loader for 0.4 by Stormeus

[MODULE]     >> Loaded server.conf for parsing

[MODULE]     >> Applied settings

[MODULE]     >> Loaded classes

[MODULE]     >> Loaded vehicles

[MODULE]     >> Loaded pickups

[MODULE]  Loaded server.conf successfully

announcer: Thread created, ready to announce.

[MODULE]  Loaded SqVCMP 0.4 frontend by Stormeus. (v1.0)

announcer: Candidate for hostname found, trying to connect...

[SCRIPT]  ------------------------------------

[SCRIPT]  Server name: [RD]Latino America VCMP

[SCRIPT]  ------------------------------------

[SCRIPT]  Echo Loaded

[SCRIPT]  [RD]Latino America VCMP v5.7 creado por hendrix iniciado.

[SCRIPT]  Confirming echo bot details...

[SCRIPT]  Bot details confirmed!

[SCRIPT]  Vehiculos Cargados 312

[SCRIPT]  312 and 311

[SCRIPT]  [Loaded] Alias - 6743

[MODULE]  Loaded SQLite3 for VC:MP by Stormeus.

[MODULE]  Loaded sq_sockets for VC:MP by the LU Dev Team (ported by Stormeus).

[MODULE]  Loaded JSON for 0.4 by Crys.

[SqMMDB] Loaded SqMMDB plugin for SqVCMP by ysc3839. (plugin api: 2.0)

[MODULE]  Loaded GeoIP for 0.4 by Crys.

>> Loaded GeoIP.dat (GeoIP Country Edition)

[MODULE]  Loaded module for create_actor

[SCRIPT]  Attempting to set user, nick and mode....

[SCRIPT]  Task completed successfully.

[SCRIPT]  Succesfully joined #LA!

announcer: Failed to announce to; socket failed to connect to host (0)

announcer: Candidate for hostname found, trying to connect...

this is an ip from one of the servers. but none of the servers that I give them free hosting appear.
Support / Re: problems with the launcher
Oct 10, 2019, 10:10 PM
Quote from: 3moreee on Oct 10, 2019, 12:00 PMSame happening to me + not creating VCMP folder  ( just Re-Installed windows ) that contains serverlogs and other stuff.
the web is down
Support / Re: Unable to start Steam VC
Oct 03, 2019, 10:05 PM
Quote from: Flagrant on Sep 15, 2019, 12:19 AMI have the location correct but it still won't open into a server?
if your problem was resolved marked as solved