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Messages - longhackmc

how to dmg bot?
i tried but the bot was like player.Immunity = 3;
tks for answer.
Does actor32.dll support the above functions? Or just 64bit. tks

it didn't work, there was an error with the database
sorry for my bad english!
as the title,the old forums are gone, I want to search the script files but it seems the old forums are gone, i went to but the links are dead.
Script and Content Requests / Re: System TOP
Aug 12, 2017, 03:24 AM
Quote from: Decent_946 on Aug 05, 2017, 10:17 PM
Quote from: Cool on Aug 05, 2017, 06:18 PMlooooooooooooooooooooool #RIP coding
Why don't you script him the code than ? Although his coding style is lengthy and this function won't work for the topic starter. but he has helped him by providing complete idea of how top ranks can be set.

Btw, @longhackmc , you could use SQL LIMIT function instead of the long way method.
Thanks and I will try.
I only know very little about programming C code too long.

Can you give me specific example on how it works?
and  GetSQLColumnData( top3, 0 ) is name of top 3.
Quote from: Rest on Aug 06, 2017, 03:43 AM
Quotefunction ( player, pickup )
Quoteif (checkpoint.ID == 14)
And btw, you're defining every object created as "Boomb" which means if you pick up it twice(or more) in 3 seconds it will delete the last object you created during the 3 seconds.
With that i came up this
NewTimer( "deletebom", 3000,1,Boomb.ID);

function deletebom(objid)

I was mistaken when writing this article between pickup and checkpoint. I edited the post
And thanks for it's working
function onCheckpointEntered( player, checkpoint )
if (checkpoint.ID == 14)
    Boomb <- CreateObject( 380, 1,  Vector(-945.472, -343.736, 8.12693), 255 );
    Boomb.RotateByEuler( Vector( 3.14159, 3.14159, 1.46159), 0);
    NewTimer( "deletebom", 3000,1);
function deletebom()

When I went to checkpoint the bomb was created but after 3 seconds it was not deleted
Script and Content Requests / Re: System TOP
Aug 05, 2017, 04:24 PM
function TopMoney()
    local query = QuerySQL(DataBase, "SELECT * FROM Account" ), aa=0;
local a,b,c,e,f,dem;
if ( !query )
    MessagerServer(RED+"No Account");

else {
while ( GetSQLColumnData( query, 0 ) != null )
    local m = GetSQLColumnData( query, 5 );
if ( m > f )
        dem = GetSQLColumnData( query, 5 );
        m = f;
        f = dem;
if ( f > e )
        dem = f;
        f = e;
        e = dem;
if ( e > c )
    dem = e;
    e = c;
    c = dem;
if ( c > b )
    dem = c;
    c = b;
    b = dem;
if ( b > a )
    dem = b;
    b = a;
    a = dem;
(GetSQLNextRow( query ) &&  ((a > b) && (b > c) && (c > e) && (e > f)));
local top1 = QuerySQL(DataBase, "SELECT * FROM Account WHERE Bank='"+a+"'" );
local top2 = QuerySQL(DataBase, "SELECT * FROM Account WHERE Bank='"+b+"'" );
local top3 = QuerySQL(DataBase, "SELECT * FROM Account WHERE Bank='"+c+"'" );
local top4 = QuerySQL(DataBase, "SELECT * FROM Account WHERE Bank='"+e+"'" );
local top5 = QuerySQL(DataBase, "SELECT * FROM Account WHERE Bank='"+f+"'" );
Message(RED+"[Top 1]: [ "+GetSQLColumnData( top1, 0 )+": ]   "+COLOR_VERDE+ "Money:  [ "+a+" ]$");
Message(RED+"[Top 2]: [ "+GetSQLColumnData( top2, 0 )+": ]   "+COLOR_VERDE+ "Money:  [ "+b+" ]$");
Message(RED+"[Top 3]: [ "+GetSQLColumnData( top3, 0 )+": ]   "+COLOR_VERDE+ "Money:  [ "+c+" ]$");
Message(RED+"[Top 4]: [ "+GetSQLColumnData( top4, 0 )+": ]   "+COLOR_VERDE+ "Money:  [ "+e+" ]$");
Message(RED+"[Top 5]: [ "+GetSQLColumnData( top5, 0 )+": ]   "+COLOR_VERDE+ "Money:  [ "+f+" ]$");

it is function
you can use it:
if ( cmd == "top" )
General Discussion / Re: [HOW] How to use SDK
Jul 27, 2017, 12:51 PM
Quote from: ysc3839 on Jul 25, 2017, 03:38 PMYou should know C/C++ first.

I also know a bit of C ++, I want to dig deeper into the plugin or just script
General Discussion / Re: [HOW] How to use SDK
Jul 24, 2017, 02:45 PM

How to compile it, please if there is tutorial. Tks
General Discussion / [HOW] How to use SDK
Jul 24, 2017, 08:32 AM
sau khi tôi sử dụng mã nguồn từ:
Have edited and added individual, how can i convert to .dll format
Sorry for my english
Quote from: Anik on Jul 08, 2017, 06:23 AMFFS stop posting in wrong boards.

Sorry for posting the wrong post but after finding the required function I will delete the post.
Is there any function similar to getch () in C ++?

I want to use BindKey(true, AnyKey, 0,0)
But I do not know how to get AnyKey
help me. I apologize for the poor english
Quote from: Anik on Jul 04, 2017, 01:49 PM
Quote from: longhackmc on Jul 04, 2017, 12:59 PMHow to use / addchild
Give me an example
Watch the video
and Element list, where it?