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Messages - [VD]Pratham[Pro]

function onPlayerCommand( player, cmd, text )

if ( cmd== "tptocoords")
if ( text )
local PosX      = GetTok(text, " ", 1);
local PosY      = GetTok(text, " ", 2);
local PosZ      = GetTok(text, " ", 3);
player.Pos = Vector( PosX.tofloat() , PosY.tofloat() , PosZ.tofloat() );       


Usage: /tptocoords <pos x> <pos y> <pos z>

This script will help you to teleport to any coordinate you want. Its useful especially in map-making
This is my 1st time posting a script so please do not mind if I have not used proper text formatting  :)