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Messages - [VM_U]Spectra.PhantoM^

Quote from: . on Apr 15, 2016, 05:22 AMAFAIK, QuerySQL() returns a user pointer if the operation succeeded or null if it failed. And treating that user pointer or null value as an integer might not be the best idea.

But the real issue is not releasing that statement result which is considered a memory leak. And therefore, on a fast track to a crash depending on how much memory that eats.

Secondly, the code is totally exposed to SQL Injection from anyone with a bit of SQL knowledge. The only thing that saves you is the fact that VCMP itself cleans up the user name a bit. But you should never rely on that for something this critical.

The rest of the code is pure nonsense and should not be given to new users as a sample script from which they can learn. Why? Because there's absolutely no safety implemented into this script. Any user and execute arbitrary code on the server with the "exec" command. Therefore anyone can do something like "/exec QuerySQL(DB, "DROP TABLE [PlayerAccount]");" or worse.

This script is not about an account system. This is just a list of all available server events and a few failed commands.

My recommendation to new users? Run from this script!
Im sorry bout that. anywayz updated.
Quote from: KAKAN on Apr 15, 2016, 05:00 AMlocal y = QuerySQL(DB, "SELECT Level FROM PlayerAccount WHERE Name='" + player.Name + "'" );
if ( y <= 0 ) MessagePlayer("Hello and welcome to the server.
I can clearly say that you haven't tested it yet.
oh plz thats false i did dis
if ( y <= 0 ) MessagePlayer("Hello and welcome to the server. Please /register to register in the server", player);
else if ( y >= 0 ) MessagePlayer("Welcome Back. Please /login to continue", player);
Script Showroom / My Account System v0.1 Beta
Apr 15, 2016, 04:56 AM

Lemme know if there are any bugs.
Bug Fixes till now:
Exec Prob fixed.
-_- Im a  dope anywayz thnx solved.
so i copy/pasted a theirclantag function into my script made it like dis:
function onPlayerJoin( player )
if (TheirClanTag = "[thug]") Message(IM+"VIP Thugz Member " + player.Name + " Joined");
else Message("");
But someone named cap joined and it said VIP bla bla member cap joined.
Any Fix???
Servers / Re: [0.4] LA Cops VS Robbers
Apr 13, 2016, 12:48 PM
Server is now on VPS guyz
Servers / Re: [0.4]Black Night Doom Server.
Apr 12, 2016, 04:25 AM
[0.4] Black Night DOOOM server
QuoteYESH!!! LIVE DOOM!!!!
Servers / Re: [0.4] LA Cops 'n' Robbers
Apr 08, 2016, 09:54 AM
Now its Cops Vs Robbers.
Servers / [0.4] LA Cops VS Robbers
Apr 08, 2016, 04:40 AM
Server Name: [0.4] LA Cops VS Robbers[R-X Host]
Slots: 30
IP Adress:
if i show u a ss of it working wot will u do doom?
First the class
class PlayerClass
Level = 0
Then(Note this is to be pasted on onplayerjoin):
stats[ player.ID ] = PlayerClass( player.Name, sqliteDB );Finally(to be pasted on onplayercommand):
else if (cmd == "admins" || cmd == "admin")
local plr = GetPlayers();
plr = FindPlayer( player.ID );
if ((plr) && ( stats[player.ID].Level = 3))
Message("Admins: " + plr.Name + " [" + stats[player.ID].Level + "]");
else Message("No Admins Online");
Its tested and it works.
Servers / Re: [0.4] Treasure Hunting Server
Mar 04, 2016, 03:16 PM
Applications / Application: Server Host.
Mar 04, 2016, 07:37 AM
First Name: Talha
Last Name: Shahzad
Email Address: [email protected]
Server Name: [0.4] Treasure Hunting Server
Port: 8168
Slots(10-100): 45
Servers / Re: [0.4] Treasure Hunting Server
Mar 03, 2016, 08:33 AM
Server is back again!
Servers / Re: [0.4] Treasure Hunting Server
Mar 02, 2016, 08:20 AM
Added New things:
  • Commands: /goto,/getcar
  • When the player die's he spawns at hospital and if has wanted level spawns at VCPD.
  • More functions and cmds. To much to explain so come at the server to find out.
  • When a player die's he leave's behind cash so the killer can pickup and gain money.
  • Added 100 More treasures.
  • Added /clues cmd.