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Messages - Mack

General Discussion / Re: Doubt Health
Aug 22, 2019, 06:18 AM
function onPlayerHealthChange( player, lastHP, newHP )
     if ( lastHP > newHP ) MessagePlayer( "You just lost " + ( lastHP - newHP ) + " health.", player );
Quote from: . on Jun 06, 2016, 11:30 PMYou're using an old plugin. Update your stuff.
Solved. Thanks!

What is the problem?

O.S. Ubuntu 12.04 x64
Quote from: KAKAN on Jun 05, 2016, 04:26 PM
Quote from: . on Jun 05, 2016, 04:25 PMYou probably need:

sudo apt-get install libmysqlclient18
what? mysqlclient? He's using SQLite. That happened to me too. Use Thijn's builds and try:-
Thanks :)
I bought a vps and when I try to run it shows this error.

"ConnectSQL" does not exist.

but the plugin has loaded. :-\

VPS: Operating System   Ubuntu 12.04 x64

Can someone help me?
Quote from: [DS]Anik on Jan 16, 2016, 10:14 AMOff:- Which SOftware are u using for editing scripts?? Can u give me Download Link??

Quote from: Williams on Jan 16, 2016, 04:17 AMThis topic already posted. Btw great! :)
This is different. :)
Snippet Showroom / Spawnwep System by Mack
Jan 16, 2016, 02:38 AM
Hello, I go back again lol.

> First copy this lines and paste on "onScriptLoad()"
  db <- ConnectSQL( "Spawnwep.db" );
  QuerySQL( db,"CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS Spawnwep( Nick TEXT, Weps TEXT)");
  SpawnwepPlayer <- array( GetMaxPlayers(), null );

> Now copy this line and paste on "onPlayerJoin( player )"
> Paste this on "onPlayerSpawn( player )"
> And now paste this on "onPlayerPart( player, reason )"
if (SpawnwepPlayer[ player.ID ] != null)
if(!CheckTableSpawnwep( player )) QuerySQL( db, "REPLACE INTO Spawnwep( Nick, Weps ) VALUES ( '" + player.Name + "','"+ SpawnwepPlayer[ player.ID ] + "' ) ");
else QuerySQL( db, "UPDATE Spawnwep SET Weps='"+ SpawnwepPlayer[ player.ID ] +"' WHERE Nick='" + player.Name + "'" );
SpawnwepPlayer[ player.ID ] = null; print( player.Name +"'s Spawnwep Saved!" );

//=================================SPAWNWEP STSTEM BY MACK==========================================================
function CheckTableSpawnwep( player )
    local si = GetSQLColumnData( QuerySQL( db, "SELECT Weps FROM Spawnwep WHERE Nick='" + player.Name + "'" ), 0 );
    if ( si ) return si;
    else return 0;
function LoadSpawnwep(player)
if(CheckTableSpawnwep( player )) SpawnwepPlayer[ player.ID ] = CheckTableSpawnwep( player );
else SpawnwepPlayer[ player.ID ] = null;
function GiveSpawnwep(player)
if (SpawnwepPlayer[ player.ID ] != null)
local i = 1, khe = SpawnwepPlayer[ player.ID ], Nweps = NumTok( khe," ");
while ( i < (Nweps.tointeger()+1))
local ID = GetTok( khe," ", i);
player.SetWeapon( ID.tointeger(), 99999 ); i++;
ClientMessage("-> [#83bab3][SPAWNWEP] Weapons setting in spawn, Completed successfully.",player,255,0,102);
//=================================SPAWNWEP STSTEM BY MACK==========================================================

> Credits to original creator of this functions.
function NumTok(string, separator)
    local tokenized = split(string, separator);
    return tokenized.len();
function GetPlayer( target )
local target1 = target.tostring();

if ( IsNum( target ) )
target = target.tointeger();

if ( FindPlayer( target) ) return FindPlayer( target );
else return null;
else if ( FindPlayer( target ) ) return FindPlayer( target );
else return null;

> Commands: /spawnwep, /spawnwepdel. <
if ( cmd == "spawnwep" )
  if ( !text ) ClientMessage( "[#ea4335]-> Error: [#fbbc05]Type /spawnwep <Wep1> <Wep2> <Wep3> <Wep4> <Wep5> <Wep6>...", player,0,0,0 );
            local weps = split( text, " " ),ID, wepsset = null;
            for( local i = 0; i < weps.len(); i++ )
                ( IsNum( weps[ i ] ) ) ? ID = weps[ i ].tointeger() : ID = GetWeaponID( weps[ i ] );                         
                if ( ID >= 33 ) ClientMessage( "[#ea4335]-> Error: [#c0c0c0]Invalid Weapon ID/Name.", player,0,0,0 );
                    player.SetWeapon( ID, 99999 );
                    ClientMessage( "-> [#daff00]Saving " + GetWeaponName( ID ) + " to your spawn.",player,255,0,102);
                    if (wepsset == null) wepsset = " "+ ID;
                    else wepsset += (" " + ID);
            if (wepsset) SpawnwepPlayer[ player.ID ] = wepsset;   
    else if ( cmd == "spawnwepdel")

    if ( CheckTableSpawnwep( player ) )
        QuerySQL( db, "DELETE FROM SpawnWep WHERE Nick='" + player.Name + "' COLLATE NOCASE" );
        ClientMessage( "-> Your Spawnwep have been deleted.",player,255,0,102); SpawnwepPlayer[ player.ID ] = null;
    else ClientMessage( "-> Error: You not have spawnwep.",player,255,0,102);

And the end would look like this.

I tested this script and work :)
Dowload Script: Mediafire
Virus Total: Link
every time you join type /admin password
A few days ago I decided to make an updated version of this script:

>> Attack & Defend Server 0.4
>> Remake by: Mack
>> Credit to Murid (original script) & [VU]Cutton (Script SQ vcmp 0.3)

Download Server: Mediafire Google Drive
Virus Scam: Virus Scam

Plugins required: announce04rel, sqlite04rel, squirrel04rel.

Download Plugins.
Windows x86
Windows x64
Linux x86
Linux x64

Windows 32Bits
Windows 64Bits
Linux 32Bits
Linux 64Bits

General Cmds: /score, /stats, /base, /set, /side, /setlist, /teamhp, /help, /credits.
Admin Cmds: /startbase, /end, /add, /remove, /switchteams, /pause, /unpause, /ann, /setchoice, /kick,/exec.

¿How to configure?
1-Open Main.nut and edit.

¿How to be admin?
1- Type /admin <admin password>