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Topics - Finch Real

Off-Topic General / Inactivity Notice
Aug 06, 2016, 01:13 PM
Hello Everyone It seems to be very Tough Decision but i think that will be good enough its been one or two month ago i have lefted vcmp for some time so i just post a topic of inactivity well this topic is for everyone if they found a guy with my nick you can report me ( you will not ) I am sure i will be back soon with suprise :D
It was a long time with this community and i love it Will Miss you guys :)
Script and Content Requests / Duel System
Jul 23, 2016, 05:29 PM
As i Came to know this topic is for request so here is my request :D ;D
Duel System in which two players fight with 5 rounds of series the one who wins the most wins the game and get rewards
Snippet Showroom / [Untested]Cash on Body
Jul 21, 2016, 01:50 PM
function onPlayerKill( killer, player, reason, bodypart )
  local x = player.Pos.x, y = player.Pos.y, z = player.Pos.z;
local cash = Vector( x.tofloat() + 1, y.tofloat() + 1, z.tofloat() );
CreatePickup( 337, cash );
MessagePlayer( "You have lost 50$", player );
player.Cash -= 50;
Message( "State Alert - 50$ is on the ground Follow the radar on marker to find it and claim it" );
function onPlayerDeath( player, reason )
    local x = player.Pos.x, y = player.Pos.y, z = player.Pos.z;
local cash = Vector( x.tofloat() + 1, y.tofloat() + 1, z.tofloat() );
CreatePickup( 337, cash );
MessagePlayer( "You have lost 50$", player );
player.Cash -= 50;
Message( "State Alert - 50$ is on the ground Follow the radar on marker to find it and claim it" );
function onPickupPickedUp( player, pickup )
if ( pickup.Model == 337 )
MessagePlayer( "You have claimed 50$", player );
player.Cash += 50;
I am not from pc so I haven't tested Code But i am sure it will works
Hello Well I am using this on playerdeath
Message( " you killed " + reason + " " );
But it always return reason in number is there any way i get reason in some nàme like you killed reàson drowned?
Snippet Showroom / Robbing System Advanced
Jul 19, 2016, 08:39 AM
Hello As i have Released In Past Robbing System but it was Broken Script So here is the advanced way to add it

Credits : [UF]Decent_946

First Add on Commands

function onPlayerCommand( player, cmd, text )
if ( cmd == "robskills" )
MessagePlayer( "Your robbing skill are: " + GetRobskills(player) + "." ,player );

   Now Work On Functions
   Add this on ScriptLoad

pstats <- array(GetMaxPlayers(), null);
   now on Functions.nut
function RobbingSystem()
QuerySQL( db, "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS Robskills( Name TEXT),Robskill NUMERIC )" );
function GetRobskills( player )
   local Robbing =  GetSQLColumnData( QuerySQL( db, "SELECT Robskill FROM Robskills WHERE Name='" + player.Name+"'" ), 0 );
   if ( Robbing ) return Robbing;
   else return 0;
function SetRobskills( player, rob )
      QuerySQL(db, "UPDATE Robskills SET Robskill='" +  rob.tointeger() + "' WHERE Name='" + player.Name + "'");   
   Now Lets Move to PickupPickup

function onPickupPickedUp( player, pickup )
if ( pickup.Model == 408 )
Message("[#FF0000]"+ player.Name +" has Robbing the "+ GetDistrictName( player.Pos.x, player.Pos.y ) +"");
Announce( "~y~ You have Robbed :25000", player )
player.Cash += 25000;
pickup.RespawnTime = 30000;
   Now CreatePickups
function LoadPickups()
CreatePickup(408, Vector( 204.29, -490.98, 11.06 ));
CreatePickup(408, Vector(-854.526, -631.75, 11.3756 ));
CreatePickup(408, Vector(-688.706, -1262.49, 16.3473 ));
CreatePickup(408, Vector(-665.025, -1484.42, 13.8016 ));
CreatePickup(408, Vector(-885.324, -469.998, 13.1111 ));
CreatePickup(408, Vector(-847.002, -71.6495, 11.5405 ));
CreatePickup(408, Vector(-1079.64, -275.416, 12.0882 ));
CreatePickup(408, Vector(-1036.4 81.2033, 11.6515 ));
CreatePickup(408, Vector(-992.73, 200.392, 15.2213 ));
CreatePickup(408, Vector(-830.158, 741.534, 11.2885 ));
CreatePickup(408, Vector(-906.182, 799.715, 11.4546 ));
CreatePickup(408, Vector(-854.047, 85 11.3846 ));
CreatePickup(408, Vector(-754.53, 1342.74, 11.767 ));
CreatePickup(408, Vector(472.16, 1009.2, 19.1493 ));
CreatePickup(408, Vector(423.496, 1039.0 18.9648 ));
CreatePickup(408, Vector(364.464, 1075.12, 19.0649 ));
CreatePickup(408, Vector(470.443, 1208.18, 19.0094 ));
   Enjoy ;)
If you find any problem feel free to post here
Servers / ViCe CiTY Cop$ & RobbeR$
Jun 28, 2016, 03:02 PM
We Have Finally Released!
[0.4] Vice City Cops & Robbers

VCCNR 5.0 is Released By Watson^ on 28-06-2016.
Our server is Based on Roleplay VCCNR Game-Mode.

Server Information.
IP:- Or
IRC Channel:- #vccnrdm04 on LUNet. ( Everyone is invited to join IRC. )
Server Scripters/Owners:-  Watson^, Decent_946!
Helper:- DeViL_BoY^

The latest Features of Our Server are.

1.Encrypt Password System.
2.Player Ranks system.
3.News System.
4.Team System. System.
6.Finance System. With Giverobskill , Givecopskill, ResetStats, ResetCash
8.Vehicles System.
9.VoteKick System.
10.Ping Limit System.
11.Animation System 
12Seperate Place for Battle /hidefight
13Rulk Hunting System
14.Fuel System   
15.Tempban System 
16.Transfer Account System
17.Gang System is Implemented
18.Happy Minute for Robbing
19.Happy Minute for Killing
20.Happy Minute for Vehicles
21.Evaluation System
22.Buy And Eat Products System Checkout Products by /products
23.7 Different Jobs Including Cop, Robber, Kidnapper, DrugDealer, Medical, Taxi, Hitman
24.Reporting System
25.Weapons Blocked in Bank
26.Bank Closed / Open System, Bank 1, 2 Elevator System
27.Echo's System
28.Headshot Sound System
29.Country Detector System
30.Spree System
31.Wstats/Bstats System
32.Top Header Topm4 Implemented
33.Quiz System
34.Subnet Ban System
35.Alias System
36.Top Robbers & Top Cops Implemented
37.Play Casino system
38.Certificate System For more Details
39.Donate/VIP System to know more about it
40.Anti Spawn Kill
41.RCON AdminCmds Like in 0.3 using /admin <pass>
42.Censor System
43.Spectate System
45.Duel System
46.Race System
47.Maze Race System
48.Loan System

& Much More

Known Bugs Fixed

Cash Bug Fix
Killing Bug Fix
giveCopskills & Giverobskills fix
Cweps Bug Fix
Setlevel Command
Subnet Ban Command

There are Custom Stuff Too in Server Including
6 Weapons
2 Sound Files
2 Skins
1 Objects File
2 Objects RAR Files

Total Size of Custom Stuff is 1.68 MB

Stay Tuned for More Updates
Scripting and Server Management / Loan
Jun 22, 2016, 10:13 AM
I am trying to create a loan system when someone take loan by using cmd /takeloan 2000 it return you have taken loan you must return loan in 10 days or your loan will be taken how do i put time in it any example?
General Discussion / [Suggestion]Video
Jun 21, 2016, 11:09 AM
Hello I comes up with suggestion as there is alot custom stuff like music map etc why not there is video ? There must be video stuff to add video max size 200 mb cant it be devs?
I have added this on PlayerSpawn

SP( player.ID );
But Whenever I spawn it shows error at console

attempt to call 'bool' on Line 707 which is SP( player.ID );

Function SP and SPoff

function SP( plr )
 local player = FindPlayer(plr);
 AntiSP[ player.ID ] = "true";
  NewTimer( "SPoff", 5000, 1, player.ID );
  MessagePlayer( "[#daff00]Spawn Protection has been Enabled for 5 Seconds" , player );
function SPoff( p )
local player = FindPlayer(p);
AntiSP[ player.ID ] = "false";
MessagePlayer( "[#83bab3]Spawn Protection has been Disabled" , player );
Applications / Server Host
Jun 13, 2016, 06:32 PM
User Name:Watson^
Email Address:[email protected]
Server Name:[0.4]ViCe CiTY Cop$ & RobbeR$
Scripting and Server Management / TempBan
Jun 13, 2016, 04:58 PM
I am using Rocky Temp Ban Everythings Works Fine When i Tempban someone and try to untempban it it say Unbanned successful but didn't Untempban that Guy query is still there in db

Untempban Command
else if( cmd == "untempban" )
if( GetLevel( player ) < 10 ) MessagePlayer("[TEMPBAN] You must be admin of lvl 10 to use this command.", player );
else if( !text ) MessagePlayer("[TEMPBAN] / untempban <Fullname>", player);
else if( !IsBanned( text ) ) MessagePlayer("[TEMPBAN]Player is not banned.", player);
        QuerySQL( database, "DELETE TABLE FROM Banned WHERE ban_nick='" + text + "' COLLATE NOCASE" );
Message("Unbanned: [ " + text + " ] by Admin: [ " + player.Name + " ]" );

Well i am using Doom Clan Stats Provided in Old Forum I have replaced Kratos FindClanTag Function and whenever i type /clanstats [HS] or HS it say HS or [HS] does not exist But they are inserted in DB

function FindClanTag( strPlayer )
      D_DELIM = regexp(@"([\[(=^<{]+\w+[\])=^>}]+)"),// Checking for double delimiter like [TX],{TX},(TX),=TX=,^TX^,<TX>
      D_DELIM_SYM_2 = regexp(@"([\[(=^<{]+\w+[\.*-=]+\w+[\])=^>}]+)"),    // Checking the presence of symbolic clan tag with 2 alphanumeric values like [T-X]Azazel [ Double Delimiter ]
      D_DELIM_SYM_3 = regexp(@"([\[(=^<{]+\w+[\.*-=]+\w+[\.*-=]+\w+[\])=^>}]+)"), // Checking the presence of symbolic clan tag with 3 alphanumeric values like [F.O.X]Sofia [ Double Delimiter ]
         S_DELIM = regexp(@"(\w.+[.*=]+)"),               // Checking for single delimiter like VT. VT= VT* 

      D_DELIM_res = D_DELIM.capture(strPlayer),// Capturing for the double delimiter expression in player.Name  [ will return some array blocks of clan as [TX] < WITH THE CLAN TAG SYMBOL INCLUDED>]
      D_DELIM_SYM_2_res = D_DELIM_SYM_2.capture(strPlayer),  // Capturing for T-X / T.X / T*X Type
      D_DELIM_SYM_3_res = D_DELIM_SYM_3.capture(strPlayer),  // Capturing for F-O-X / F.O.X / F*O*X Type
      S_DELIM_res = S_DELIM.capture(strPlayer);           // Capturing for the single delimiter expression in player.Name  [ will return some array blocks as VT. < WITH THE CLAN TAG SYMBOL INCLUDED>]

 if ( D_DELIM_res != null )      // Are captured expressions true ? Do they physically exist in memory?
  return strPlayer.slice( D_DELIM_res[ 0 ].begin + 1, D_DELIM_res[ 0 ].end - 1 );   // Slicing [TX] into TX by moving 1 step forward from beginning & same step backward from the end 
 else if ( D_DELIM_SYM_2_res != null )     
  local tag_sym_2 = strPlayer.slice( D_DELIM_SYM_2_res[ 0 ].begin + 1, D_DELIM_SYM_2_res[ 0 ].end - 1 );   // Slicing [T-X] into T-X by moving 1 step forward from beginning & same step backward from the end 
     local amalgamate_2 = split(tag_sym_2, ".*-=");                      // Splitting T-X into 2 array blocks like a[0] = T, a[1] = X [ DEFINED BY SEPARATORS ]
     return (amalgamate_2[0]+amalgamate_2[1]);                         // Returning the Sum i.e. TX
 else if ( D_DELIM_SYM_3_res != null )      // Are captured expressions true ? Do they physically exist in memory?
  local tag_sym_3 = strPlayer.slice( D_DELIM_SYM_3_res[ 0 ].begin + 1, D_DELIM_SYM_3_res[ 0 ].end - 1 );   // Slicing [F.0.X] into F.O.X by moving 1 step forward from beginning & same step backward from the end 
     local amalgamate_3 = split(tag_sym_3, ".*-=");                      // Splitting F.O.X into 3 array blocks like a[0] = F, a[1] = 0, a[2] = X [ DEFINED BY SEPARATORS ]
     return (amalgamate_3[0]+amalgamate_3[1]+amalgamate_3[2]);           // Returning the Sum i.e. FOX
 else if ( S_DELIM_res != null )
  return strPlayer.slice( S_DELIM_res[ 0 ].begin, S_DELIM_res[ 0 ].end - 1 ); // Slicing VT. into VT by moving 1 step backward from the end
        else return "";                           // No such expressions found? Probably player isn't in a clan. Let's return null !!!

else if ( cmd == "clanstats" )
        if( !text ) ePrivMessage(">> Use: / clanstats <Clan Name> (Example: / clanstats [MK]. Using only text won't work, Use clan symbols with it)", player );
            local cname = FindClanTag( text );
            if( cname )
                local ckills = GetSQLColumnData( QuerySQL( cs, "SELECT Kills FROM Clan WHERE Name='" + cname + "'" ), 0 );
                if ( ckills )
                Message( ">> " + text + " Has total kills of: " + ckills );
                else ePrivMessage( "Clan " + text + " does not exist ", player );
General Discussion / VCCNR
Jun 10, 2016, 12:21 PM
Well I have a question Official VCCNR is Currently Offline Can't There be More than 1 VCCNR?
Applications / BNC Request
Jun 05, 2016, 10:09 AM
User Name: Watson^
Email Address: [email protected]
Network: LUNet
Scripting and Server Management / Objects.xml
Jun 03, 2016, 07:04 AM
Well Hello i have added this on my objects.xml

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ASCII"?>
<object id="0">
<flags value="0" />
<texture path="door1.txd" />
<collision path="none" />
<model path="none" distance="200" />
<object id="1">
<flags value="0" />
<texture path="door2.txd" />
<collision path="none" />
<model path="none" distance="200" />
<object id="2">
<flags value="0" />
<texture path="none" />
<collision path="door3.col" />
<model path="door3.dff" distance="200" />
<object id="3">
<flags value="0" />
<texture path="hi_cutbnkrecpt.txd" />
<collision path="bgate.col" />
<model path="bnk_maindr1.dff" distance="200" />
<object id="4">
<flags value="0" />
<texture path="hi_cutbnkrecpt.txd" />
<collision path="bgate.col" />
<model path="bnk_maindr2.dff" distance="200" />
But when i run my Server and join it kicks me for reason: invalid definition of objects.xml :(
Off-Topic General / GTA Pakistan Released!
Jun 03, 2016, 06:24 AM
GTA Pakistan Released

About the game
Here's my GTA Pakistan PC  game based on GTA Vice City . It has been modded from Scratch of VC. This is my third project and I've spent a lot of time making it . A lot of effort , wasted hours and precious free time just to make it the best ever GTA Pakistan game . I can't call it anymore a mod since a lot of things have been improved and new features being added . The game has almost 40 Different CLEO, new animations and moves and more.  You can find more information on the text files that are going to be uploaded with the game. Have fun and enjoy my awesome game ! :) Thanks to Team Patchstar, Team 2K and Team Modstar for all possible Helps

System Requirements
CPU: 2.8 GHz CPU
Ram: 1GB RAM
Video Card: GeForce4/Radeon 8500 64MB video Ram
Free Hard Disk Space: 3.0 GB
OS: Win Me/2000/XP/7/8

Game Link to Download Game:
PM for links
Scripting and Server Management / PHP
Jun 02, 2016, 04:22 AM
Well Hello I am trying to learn PHP But i found this on old forum

I tried to Download Thijn Webstats but link is expired can someone give me link of that?
Snippet Showroom / Happy Killing Minute
May 27, 2016, 05:07 PM
Hello folks, since I'm tired to Create Happy Kill Minute and finally its Finish. I've tested it quite well and it seems alright to me.

Now for the stuff you have to manage and learn:

Add This on Functions.nut

function loadhappykill()
print("Happy One Minute Loaded!");
NewTimer( "killers", 30000, 1);
function random(start, finish)
   local t;
   if (start < 0) t = ((rand() % (-start + finish)) + start)
      t = ((rand() % (finish - start)) + start);
   return t;

function kills()
killcash <- 0;
function killers()
ClientMessageToAll( ">Happy one minute started, Kill Anyone and Get Random Cash.",255,255,0);
 print("Killing Has Been Started");
NewTimer( "killeds", 60000, 1);
function killeds()
if ( killcash == 1)
ClientMessageToAll( "Happy Kill Minute is Over",255,255,0);
 print("Killing is Over");
NewTimer( "killers", 120000, 1);

Add  This Stuff to Main.nut

function onScriptLoad()
RandomCash <- array( GetMaxPlayers(), 1 );

This onPlayerKill Event
function onPlayerKill( killer, player, weapon, bodypart )
if ( killcash == 1)
  local reward = random(4000,400000);
                                          local kill=   RandomCash[killer.ID]*reward;
  ClientMessageToAll( "> " +killer.Name+ " Has Won The Happy One Minute By Killing " + player.Name + " And Got "+kill+".",255,255,0);
               killer.Cash += kill;

Have fun, if you find any issues contact me.

~ Regards,
~ Finch!

Updated Again
Well Hello I am Facing a Problem That When i pickup robbery/property pickup it gave wrong name of Place like if i Pickup Robbery of mansion it shows you have started robbing Leaf Links. Can Someone Help me through this


else if (pickup.Model == 408)
local t=pinfo[player.ID].btime+600;
print("t="+t+" gettime="+GetTime());
local q = QuerySQL( db, "SELECT Name, Robcash FROM Properties WHERE rowid LIKE '" + pickup.ID + "'");
ClientMessage( "Starting robbery at [ " + GetSQLColumnData( q, 0 ) + " ]", player,255,255,0);
ClientMessageToAll( "* " + player.Name + " is robbing the " + GetSQLColumnData( q, 0 ) + ".", 255, 255, 0 );
EchoMessage( ICOL_BOLD+ICOL_CYAN + "> " + player.Name + " is robbing  the " + GetSQLColumnData(q,0) + "." );
player.IsFrozen = true;
pickup.RespawnTime = 60000;
pinfo[player.ID].Robbedcash=GetSQLColumnData( q, 1 ).tointeger();
NewTimer( "LittleHavana", 10100 , 1, player.ID,GetSQLColumnData( q, 1 ).tointeger(),6);
NewTimer( "Count1", 1000, 1, 10, player.ID );
NewTimer( "Count1", 2000, 1, 9, player.ID );
NewTimer( "Count1", 3000, 1, 8, player.ID );
NewTimer( "Count1", 4000, 1, 7, player.ID );
NewTimer( "Count1", 5000, 1, 6, player.ID );
NewTimer( "Count1", 6000, 1, 5, player.ID );
NewTimer( "Count1", 7000, 1, 4, player.ID );
NewTimer( "Count1", 8000, 1, 3, player.ID );
NewTimer( "Count1", 9000, 1, 2, player.ID );
NewTimer( "Count1", 10000, 1, 1, player.ID );
player.Score = Getrobskills(player);
messagez.push({name = player.Name,
team = player.Team,
       reason= GetSQLColumnData( q, 0 ),
       type = 8
if(messagez.len() > 20) messagez.remove(0);
else MessagePlayer( "Error - You can only rob the bank once in 10 mins!",player);
else MessagePlayer( "Error - You need a bomb to break the locker, Go to the ammunation shop in downtown!",player);
else MessagePlayer( "Error - You need to have minimum 500 robskills in order to rob bank!",player);
local shopr = random(1,4);
switch ( shopr )
case 1:
pickup.RespawnTime = 60000;
                    ClientMessage( "Robbery failed and wanted level increased. The police is on the way.",player,255,0,0);
local q = QuerySQL( db, "SELECT Name, Robcash FROM Properties WHERE rowid LIKE '" + pickup.ID + "'");
ClientMessage( "Starting robbery at " + GetSQLColumnData( q, 0 ) + ".", player,255,255,0);
ClientMessageToAll( "* " + player.Name + " is robbing the " + GetSQLColumnData( q, 0 ) + ".", 255, 255, 0 );
                                EchoMessage( ICOL_BOLD+ICOL_CYAN + "> " + player.Name + " is robbing  the " + GetSQLColumnData(q,0) + "." );
player.IsFrozen = true;
NewTimer( "LittleHavana", 10100 , 1, player.ID,GetSQLColumnData( q, 1 ).tointeger(),1);
NewTimer( "Count1", 1000, 1, 10, player.ID );
NewTimer( "Count1", 2000, 1, 9, player.ID );
NewTimer( "Count1", 3000, 1, 8, player.ID );
NewTimer( "Count1", 4000, 1, 7, player.ID );
NewTimer( "Count1", 5000, 1, 6, player.ID );
NewTimer( "Count1", 6000, 1, 5, player.ID );
NewTimer( "Count1", 7000, 1, 4, player.ID );
NewTimer( "Count1", 8000, 1, 3, player.ID );
NewTimer( "Count1", 9000, 1, 2, player.ID );
NewTimer( "Count1", 10000, 1, 1, player.ID );
pickup.RespawnTime = 180000;
if ( robscash == 1)
  local reward = random(4000,400000);
                                          local happy=   RandomCash[player.ID]*reward;
  ClientMessageToAll( "> " +player.Name+ "Has Won The Happy One Minute And Got "+happy+".",255,255,0);
    EchoMessage( ICOL_BOLD+ ICOL_BLUE  + ">  " +player.Name+ " Has Won The Happy One Minute And Got "+happy+"." );
                SetCash( player, GetCash( player )+ happy.tointeger());
player.Score = Getrobskills(player);
messagez.push({name = player.Name,
team = player.Team,
   reason= GetSQLColumnData( q, 0 ),
   type = 8
if(messagez.len() > 20) messagez.remove(0);
else MessagePlayer( GetSkinName( player.Skin ) + " cannot rob a store!", player );

Function LittleHavana
function LittleHavana(plr,robbedcash,w)
local player=FindPlayer(plr);
if (player)
Announce( "You've robbed $" + robbedcash , player, 6 );
Announce( "", player, 1);
player.IsFrozen = false;
SetCash( player, GetCash( player ).tointeger() + robbedcash.tointeger() );
Vehicle Showroom / Toyota Corolla HD
May 27, 2016, 08:34 AM
Content Type: Vehicle
Original Author: Moon the Developer
Modifications:: Created XML Files , Change Some Design of the Car and added new Color to Car
Modified By: Me
Authorized By Original Author?: no
Screenshots: ( Not HD )
Download link:
Paste it in store/vehicles and Enjoy!