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Topics - Zihad-VCMP

Hey guys,
I wasn't much active on IRC for a long time, when I came back today after finishing my exam, I can't change my nick from "Guest" to "Zihad", anyway, read the logs you'll find out what happened:

So can anyone tell me what the heck happened? and what is "TLS Fatal Alert"
Hey guys, I have been trying to run the server on Ubuntu
OS: Ubuntu 14.04 LTS
Space: 8GB
Ram: around 512 mb
Whenever I run it it says something wrong with the Announce Plugin SO could you guys help me out?

SEE? Failed to open Announce04rel32
I even updated the plugins with latest one...
Thanks in advance
Guys I need help to figure which is the best OS to use as VCMP Server (32x Bit) also Should I install Desktop or Server... (I tried ubuntu 14 LTS Desktop)
Is there any way to apply a function on all. I mean for example I create /kickall command for Kicking all players  ( :P ) now in function KickPlayer( player ) so it applies to 1 player, and I want to use it on all, like announceall applies to all...
For example: Creating a /attackoffall will use Player.CanAttack =false; and now I want it to apply to all players...
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Snippet Showroom / My first snippet- Troll
Oct 15, 2015, 05:22 AM
Hi guys I am Zihad and I am not good in scripting. I could do things in pawn during 0.3z but after 0.4 only played but I always wanted to try out Squirrel even I found it very hard but for some reasons I am finding it more interesting ( xD ). So I can script a bit now. I wanted to share my first command. Its nothing though, but just sharing. Hoping to improve.

Paste these in your script in "  onPlayerCommand "

else if(cmd == "troll")
MessageAll("** " + player.Name + " is in trouble help him by typing /helphim");

else if(cmd == "helphim")
MessagePlayer("You got trolled xD", player);
player.Health = 0.0;
MessageAll("** " + player.Name + " has been trolled XD !");
MessageAll("** If you dont wanna be trolled then type /notroll")

else if(cmd == "notroll")
MessagePlayer("You got trolled xD ", player);
        player.Health = 0.0;
MessageAll("** " + player.Name + " has been trolled XD !");
MessageAll("** If you dont wanna be trolled then type /notroll")