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Topics - Spidey

how do i make a mysql database?
i mean what should i name it and what is it u know Vanchar e.t.c
Scripting and Server Management / got error
Nov 09, 2015, 08:02 AM
when i added ksna's vccnr script i got error in a bracket ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
Support / asking for something
Nov 05, 2015, 06:32 PM
is there any good website for port forwarding? ???
i want places id like
CreatePickup(408, Vector( 204.29, -490.98, 11.06 ));
i want all mall shops ids
first should be tarbushcofee place
and i want all down town places id
all ids for vccnr
iwant all skin's id name
General Discussion / a question
Nov 01, 2015, 06:34 AM
is there any pawn forum for vcmp 0.4
Scripting and Server Management / need plugin
Oct 10, 2015, 10:53 AM
hey guys i need mysql04rel32.dll plzzz can you give me the link????????? with no execuses
can you tell me how to add rcon pass in 0.4
0.3 was /c rcon (pass)
iwant car buying and checking for sale ???
is there any easy port forwarding website?
i want car command can you plzz post here
any good robbing script for me?
the code
function createobjects(){
CreateObject(305,1,Vector(394.757, -504.813, 9.39561),255).RotateToEuler(Vector(0, 0, 0),1);

Screen Shot is down there

can you give me link for squirrel scripter
<!-- Classes -->
<Class team="5" skin="5" x="-293.0143" y="-597.0593" z="12.8528" angle="130.0325" weapon1="21" ammo1="200" weapon2="" ammo2="30" weapon3="" ammo3=""/>
<Class team="4" skin="4" x="-293.0143" y="-597.0593" z="12.8528" angle="90.3367" weapon1="21" ammo1="200" weapon2="" ammo2="30" weapon3="" ammo3=""/>
<Class team="14" skin="14" x="-293.0143" y="-597.0593" z="12.8528" angle="90.3367" weapon1="21" ammo1="20000" weapon3="" ammo2="2000" weapon3="" ammo3=""/>
<Class team="15" skin="15" x="-293.0143" y="-597.0593" z="12.8528" angle="90.3367" weapon1="21" ammo1="200" weapon2="" ammo2="30" weapon3="" ammo3=""/>
<Class team="12" skin="12" x="-293.0143" y="-597.0593" z="12.8528" angle="90.3367" weapon1="21" ammo1="200" weapon2="" ammo2="30" weapon3="" ammo3=""/>
<Class team="1" skin="1" x="-293.0143" y="-597.0593" z="12.8528" angle="90.3367" weapon1="21" ammo1="200" weapon2="" ammo2="30" weapon3="" ammo3=""/>
<Class team="2" skin="2" x="-293.0143" y="-597.0593" z="12.8528" angle="90.3367" weapon1="21" ammo1="200" weapon2="" ammo2="30" weapon3="" ammo3=""/>
<Class team="3" skin="3" x="-293.0143" y="-597.0593" z="12.8528" angle="90.3367" weapon1="21" ammo1="200" weapon2="" ammo2="30" weapon3="" ammo3=""/>
<Class team="6" skin="6" x="-293.0143" y="-597.0593" z="12.8528" angle="90.3367" weapon1="21" ammo1="200" weapon2="" ammo2="30" weapon3="" ammo3=""/>
<Class team="7" skin="7" x="-293.0143" y="-597.0593" z="12.8528" angle="90.3367" weapon1="21" ammo1="200" weapon2="" ammo2="30" weapon3="" ammo3=""/>
<Class team="8" skin="8" x="-293.0143" y="-597.0593" z="12.8528" angle="90.3367" weapon1="21" ammo1="200" weapon2="" ammo2="30" weapon3="" ammo3=""/>
<Class team="20" skin="20" x="-293.0143" y="-597.0593" z="12.8528" angle="90.3367" weapon1="21" ammo1="200" weapon2="" ammo2="30" weapon3="" ammo3=""/>

Failed to load plugin: squirrel04rel64

Failed to load plugin: xmlconf04rel64

Failed to load plugin: announce04rel64

Failed to load plugin: sockets04rel64

Failed to load plugin: hashing04rel64

Failed to load plugin: sqlite04rel64

Failed to load plugin: mysql04rel64

Please help me
Tell me how to add radio stations in gta vcmp 0.4? please tell me
Scripting and Server Management / need help
Apr 06, 2015, 07:00 AM
how do i install my 0.4 script?
Servers / Vice city Cops and Robbers
Dec 22, 2014, 05:13 PM

                               Server Name:Vice city cops and robber
                                Scripter:Pakistanirobber (spidey)