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Topics - D4rkR420R

Clan: Ultimate Insurrectionists
Clan Admin: Lederhos
Forum: (required if you dont have discord/IRC channel)
Tags:  [u1], [u1_A], [u1_J]



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Apprentice members

Junior members

About Ultimate Insurrectionists:

Ultimate Insurrectionists is a new clan  from Vice City: Multiplayer founded by Lederhos on February 4 of 2022. The entrance of S75 permitted to path a way for new members to join, with d4rkxrd and QarZi joining .The clan focuses on teamwork which is the most essential part of the organization so that there's no chance of falling down. The clan seeks to join the competitive field of the remainings of the VCMP mod and holds high hopes about its possible contribution to the activity of the game. It will perform in all servers, going from the classic Deathmatch servers to Roleplay gaming.
Bugs and Crashes / [BUG] FPS Uncapped
Apr 19, 2019, 06:01 PM
The FPS is going over 60FPS hence it looks like 10-20FPS.


What you were doing when the bug happened:
I spawned and seemed to notice the players in the server arguing about it.

What you think caused the bug:

The latest client update so far what I know.
Support / Cannot import an object in Blender
Apr 02, 2019, 10:28 PM
Hello fellow community, hope you're doing great. So, I've been doing some object modeling recently, on Blender, and I'm kinda' facing an issue. You see, I'm constructing this island I have in mind and I made some changes from the golf's island object by modifying its triangles, then I textured it, did some bits and finished. All I had left to do was to double-check if the island was too big or not, so I was thinking of importing this building to determine...

However, when I do import it as a .dff file, this error pops up...

My guess is probably its file size however I ain't sure though. Could someone help me out here? It would be appreciated. Thanks.
Support / Weird behavior with classes
Jan 20, 2019, 04:12 PM
Hello everyone, this is KuRuMi^, aka DarkRaZoR^. How're y'all doing today? I'm doing great if you may ask. Okay, so I was working in my server and I seem to notice that my player's class was being modified for every player, therefore I took into a look in the code and I runned an experiment to determine the cause of it. The cause was Squirrel tables stored into my player's class. Here's how the experiment worked out.
class Info
ID = 0;
Details = {
Name = "",
Age = 0,
Job = "Citizen"

infos <- array( GetMaxPlayers(), null );
infos[ player.ID ] = Info();
infos[ player.ID ].ID = player.ID;
infos[ player.ID ].Details.Name = player.Name;
if( player.Name != "TdZ.DarkRaZoR^" ) infos[ player.ID ].Details.Age = 15;
else infos[ player.ID ].Details.Age = 20;

So, I join and my data is set to the Squirrel table in the class, however, when another player joins with another nickname, their data is set to every player who has the same class. Could someone briefly explains this and a solution similar to what I want to do? Thank you for taking your time to read.
function Player::PlayerShoot( shooter, weapon, hitEntity, hitPosition )
if( hitEntity && hitEntity.Type == OBJ_PLAYER && shooter == ::pInfo.Instance )
local damaged_player = hitEntity;
Console.Print(  "Target's health: "+ damaged_player.Health +"" );

Why is it that the player's, getting damaged, health is not updating while I'm shooting at him? Bear in mind that ::pInfo.Instance is basically the instance of the user.
Support / Regarding the Rotation3D member.
Nov 16, 2018, 11:05 PM
Hello everyone, how's your lovely day going? I'm doing great, if you may ask. I'd like to know if anyone could briefly explain how does the Vector3's values react to the 3D element and how could I make it face to the player? Feedback is appreciated and I thank you for reading this. :)
Hello everyone, how're y'all doing today? I'm doing great if you may ask. May I ask a question, is there a method I could change the text's color on one of the Listbox's items? I tried slapping in the GUI_FLAG_TEXT_TAGS flag into the Listbox and it doesn't seem to work unfortunately. Feedback and support is appreciated. Thanks. :)
Support / Why am I a statue?
Sep 08, 2018, 09:53 PM
So, can y'all give me the causes of why my pedestrian can't move nor type, while I'm spawned? I've a GUI button that spawns the player and the button itself sets its alpha to 0. Not sure if this ever happened to y'all. The pedestrian is not frozen as I tested this on a 04rel004 server (so the server version I'm currently using is 04rel006).

You see, I want to update the ammo of the player's weapon but how could I update it from server to client-side? I tried using a loop with the condition stating if the player's action is ID 16, however, it looped forever. I've a table setup in the client side where I can store the ammo in a variable, so therefore, I can use Script::ScriptProcess to update the text from the image above.
The titles describes my question. Is it possible or do I've to perform a workaround? I'd like to display a grenade icon at the grenade's position whenever it's thrown.
As the title describes it, I tried firstly storing data into variables, then, I'd like to output a variable storing a text which was before an array, but I separated the items in the array using the JoinArray function. However, the GUILabel ignored the escape characters and threw out the whole text in a line.

screen <- GUI.GetScreenSize();
Players1 <- null;
Players2 <- null;
CPlayers <- [ "Bob", "Jerry", "Tom", "TotalNoob" ]; // Pretend this variables existed
CPlayers2 <- [ "Mary", "Bryan", "Billy", "Michael" ]; //  in the server side.

function Script::ScriptLoad()
::Players1 = JoinArray( CPlayers, "\n" );
::Players2 = JoinArray( CPlayers2, "\n" );
Console.Print( ::Players1 ); // Should print out the text indented after the item.
        Label <- GUILabel( VectorScreen( ( screen.X * 0.80 ), ( screen.Y * 0.43 ) ), Colour( 255, 255, 255 ), ::Players1 ); // Doesn't indent the text

So, I ask again, what's a good method to return the player's nicknames stored in the CPlayers array, but indented, in a GUILabel? I don't like the way of creating multiple variables to store player's name.
Hello lovely Vice City Multiplayer community! Today, I'm here to request some help from this piece of code I'm suffering. My question is why won't the loop not move to the next row when I've already implemented GetSQLNextRow?

Here's the code:
local a = 0, b = 0, q = QuerySQL( clan, "SELECT Player FROM Members" );
while( GetSQLColumnData( q, 0 ) )
local c1 = QuerySQL( clan, "SELECT Tag, Player FROM Members WHERE Tag = '"+ GetTok( arguments, " ", 1 ) +"'" ), c2 = QuerySQL( clan, "SELECT Tag, Player FROM Members WHERE Tag = '"+ GetTok( arguments, " ", 2 ) +"'" );
if( GetSQLColumnData( c1, 1 ) ) a++;
if( GetSQLColumnData( c2, 1 ) ) b++;
GetSQLNextRow( q );

Note that the first and second arguments are the clan tags specified. Hopefully you'll help me and provide feedback. Thank you.
Based from the topic's title, I want to calculate the amount of times the player's angle changed each second. I can't find a way to call the function frequently without causing lag issues to the server. I kinda want a function that calls whenever the player's angle is modified. Any ideas you could spill out?
Hello, dear VCMP community. I'm not really experienced with the conversion of SA to VC so could anyone please convert the casino tables & chips to Vice City? This would be really appreciated. Someone attempted to convert these but it failed somehow.
Support / An issue with audio
Sep 23, 2017, 05:55 PM
Hello community members! I hope you had a great day ;D So, let's get started. I'd like to mention that I been trying to modify my weapon sounds with 2 .wav files. I used Far Cry's Weapon mod method to replace the sounds with the new ones. However, once I tried it in-game, the sound was noiseless. Therefore, it lead me up to audio bit rate problems or could be the file size? Here's the details about the file.

As you can see, the bit rate is known to 705kbps. Before, it used to be around 1141 kbps so I converted it to mono & edited the bit rate to 41.1Hz. In conclusion, none of my attempts to fix it worked. Could somebody explain to me the fundamentals for replacing weapon sounds?
Support / Requesting advice
Sep 05, 2017, 01:44 AM
Hello mates :) I'm looking forward in the future, creating awesome content for players who need skins, weapons, vehicles, etc. However, they involve modeling the object, constructing the textures for it, and so on. I'd like hear some advice from people who actually experienced making custom content, however in this case for custom weapons. I want to receive opinions about recommended programs to edit the object/model, they way we create the textures for it, and developing the preferences of the weapon's functionality. Hopefully you all are kind enough to share some advice when dealing with creating custom weapons.
Support / About onPlayerAwayChange.
Aug 24, 2017, 11:58 PM
onPlayerAwayChange, a function in which will tell whether the player paused his game or not with newStatus. The problem I'm having with this function is that it will set newStatus to true if the player had returned in the class selection. Isn't there a way to avoid this from happening? Your opinions will be greatly appreciated and looking for a great answer. Thank you.

Regards, DarkRaZoR^
Dear fellows, I would like to find a method into adding a tag next to the player's name and it's text (onPlayerChat( player, text )). However, I'm unable to add it next to the player.Name with either Message or ClientMessageToAll. How would I be able to add a tag like for ex. [Math Lover] player.Name?
Support / I need help...
Jul 12, 2017, 04:02 AM
Hello, fellow people, I'm dealing with this issues for a week and it didn't turn out to change at all. I'm working on a project, which is a mini-game. Each player will be held with their first weapon. If the player kills someone, they receive a new weapon. That goes on until they reached last weapon, which is known as the end of the mini-game. However, I can't put on a finger on why I can't fix these.

1) The Auto-Spawn system.
function onPlayerRequestClass( player, classID, team, skin )
   else if ( stats[ player.ID ].minigame2 )
      NewTimer( "AutoSpawn", 3000, 1, player.ID );
  if ( player.IsSpawned )
    player.Pos = ggpos[ random( 0, ggpos.len() ) ];
    local wep = lastwep[ player.ID ];
        player.SetWeapon( wep, 500 );
function AutoSpawn( playerID )
  local player = FindPlayer( playerID );
  if ( player )
So far it does spawn the player after 3 seconds passed, however the player doesn't go to the provided positions where the mini-game is held. Furthermore, ggpos holds positions inside of Vector, also it doesn't give the player the previous weapon it was saved from onPlayerKill.
lastwep[ player.ID ] = player.Weapon;
2) The final stage of the mini-game...
function GunGameWinner( plr, player )
  for( local i=0; i <= GetMaxPlayers(); i++ )
    local plr = FindPlayer( i );
if( ( plr ) && ( stats[ plr.ID ].minigame2 ) )
  player.Pos = Vector( 129.752, 341.531, 19.1541 );
  player.IsFrozen = true;
  player.SpectateTarget = plr;
  NewTimer( "Announce2", 3000, 1, player.ID );
  NewTimer( "LeaveMinigame", 6000, 1 );

function Announce2( plr, player )
  for( local i=0; i <= GetMaxPlayers(); i++ )
     local plr = FindPlayer( i );
if ( ( plr ) && ( stats[ plr.ID ].minigame2 ) )
   Announce( "Winner: "+ plr.Name +"!", plr, 6 );

Once GunGameWinner is called when the player haves the maximum kills to win, the remaining players spectate the winner for some fun and announces the message. However, the issues I have here is that the Announce2 function announces a message with the player's OWN name, rather than the winner. Also,  it won't spectate the winner which it's strange because it worked previously.

That's so far what I got. If you need some more information, like to take a look at the arrays I mentioned, please let me know so. So please, if you would help me solve these issues and maybe some opinions you would like to mention. Thank you for reading this and I hope to expect to see some answers. Take care.
Support / A small problem....
Jun 10, 2017, 08:56 PM
Dear fellows,

Quote from: Kewun on Jan 20, 2017, 12:26 PMNice bump but i will answer your question
"=" sign in ini parser ruins the file
When ever a player registers, creates a INI section, and the name of that section is the player's nick. However, if the player had brackets at the first character of the nickname, it will corrupt/ruin the data and stop the process. I wonder is there any way to prevent this from happening? I want you best answers as possible to solve this issue. If it's unsolving, then that's okay.