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Topics - Kid_Buu

Hi, i need the InPoly of the sunshine, someone could give it to me?

I do not know how to use it :-\
I have this function:
function onPlayerHealthChange( player, lastHP, newHP )
if ( lastHP > newHP )
if ( player.Pos.z <= GetWaterLevel() )
local vehicle = CreateVehicle( 6400, player.Pos, player.Angle, 1, 2);
player.Vehicle = vehicle;
return true;

Because this function spawn many vehicles. How to prevent this?
Hi, I have the commands /reportlist and /banlist but they have an error.
What happens is only shows a single report or a ban, could someone help me?
how put turn on and off the engine of vehicle with cmd?
how to agree this checkpoints type in 4rel003?

Could someone help me create a radio stream with the music that I want?
Hello, I want to ask you how I could put in my server so that when you die you leave the weapons that you had in pickups, like for example when you kill someone with weapons in normal vice city.
Hello, for more than I try to create this system, I can not create it well because I need more experience here.

Can someone give me at least one example of the wstats system?
What I most need is the function of when you die raise the number of those killed with that weapon.
Hello, I wanted to know if someone could tell me what to do in this command

Error: [the index 'plr' does not exist]

Here the command:

else if ( cmd == "clanstats" )
(text) ? text = text : text = GetTag( plr.Name );
( plr ) ? text = GetTag( plr.Name ) : text = text;
if ( !text ) E_MSG( "Usted no tiene un tag", player );
local Tag = GetTok( text, " ", 1 );
if ( IsClanRegister( text ) )
if ( plr )
Kills <- ClanKills( GetTag( plr.Name ) ); Deaths <- ClanDeaths( GetTag( plr.Name ) ); Deads <- ClanDeads( GetTag( plr.Name ) ); Ratio <- GetRatio( Kills, Deaths, Deads ); ( Ratio ) ? All( GetTag( plr.Name ) + "'s Stats - Kills " + Kills + " Deaths " + Deaths + " Deads " + Deads + " Ratio K/DD: " + Ratio ): All( GetTag( plr.Name ) + "' Stats - Kills " + Kills + " Deaths " + Deaths + " Deads " + Deads );
else if ( text )
local q = QuerySQL( db, "SELECT Clan, Kills, Deaths, Deads FROM ClanStats WHERE Clan='" + Tag + "' COLLATE NOCASE" );   
local PKills = GetSQLColumnData( q, 1 ), PDeaths = GetSQLColumnData( q, 2 ), PDeads = GetSQLColumnData( q, 3 ), Ratio = GetRatio( PKills, PDeaths, PDeads );
( Ratio ) ? All( text + "'s Stats - Kills " + PKills + " Deaths " + PDeaths + " Deads " + PDeads + " Ratio K/DD: " + Ratio ): All( text + "' Stats - Kills " + PKills + " Deaths " + PDeaths + " Deads " + PDeads );
else E_MSG( "El clan: " + text + " no esta registrado.", player );
sorry for the spam, but I do not understand this

Error: [the index '3' does not exist]

The command that causes the error:

else if ( cmd == "addclanmanager" )
if ( status[ player.ID ].Level < 9 ) E_MSG( "Usted no tiene acceso a este comando.", player );
else if ( !text ) S_MSG( "Use /addmanager <[Tag]Lider> <[Tag]Manager> <[Tag]Manager> <Clan sin simbolo>", player );
local params = split( text, " " );
if( params.len() < 1 ) MessagePlayer("Wrong no. of parameters.", player);
if ( !IsClanRegister( params[ 3 ].tolower() ) ) E_MSG( "El clan: " + params[ 3 ] + " no esta registrado!", player );
local Owner = params[ 0 ], Manager1 = params[ 1 ], Manager2 = params[ 2 ], Clan = params[ 3 ];
if ( !GetTag( Owner ) ) E_MSG( "El lider no esta en el clan!!", player );
else if ( !GetTag( Manager1 ) ) E_MSG( "El manager1 no esta en el clan!!", player );
else if ( !GetTag( Manager2 ) ) E_MSG( "El manager2 no esta en el clan!!", player );
QuerySQL( db, format( "UPDATE ClanStats SET Leaders='%s' WHERE Clan='" + Clan + "' COLLATE NOCASE", "" + Owner + ", " + Manager1 + ", " + Manager2 + "" ) );
S_MSG( "Simplemente nesesitas poner /addclanmanager <El jugador de tu clan> Por ejemplo: Hector", player );
local dos = QuerySQL( db, "SELECT Users FROM ClanUsers WHERE Clans='" + Clan.tolower() + "' COLLATE NOCASE" ), Users = GetSQLColumnData( dos, 0 );
if ( Users ) QuerySQL( db, format( "UPDATE ClanUsers SET Users='%s' WHERE Clans='" + Clan + "' COLLATE NOCASE", ""+Users+" " + TruncateClan( Owner ) + " " + TruncateClan( Manager1 ) + " " + TruncateClan( Manager2 ) + "" ) );
else QuerySQL( db, format( "UPDATE ClanUsers SET Users='%s' WHERE Clans='" + Clan + "' COLLATE NOCASE", "DFAX0067XLPKDW " + TruncateClan( Owner ) + " " + TruncateClan( Manager1 ) + " " + TruncateClan( Manager2 ) + "" ) );
Hi, I've been using Sebby's menu system on my server but something does not work!
What happens is that (if it enters the menus) but it does not grab the keys to move the options.
I'm not sure what the error is,  is but could someone give me a possible solution?

Here the code:

function onKeyDown(player,key)
menuKeyDown( player, key );

function onScriptLoad()
dofile( "scripts/CMS.nut" );
CreateMenu("Kid_Buu is cool?","Yes","No");


Sorry for my bad english
Hi, I wanted to request a function where, for example, if you fall into the water, they give you a weapon or a vehicle.
Hello I wanted to request a system or something similar to see the users that are for example: in the world 1,2,3, etc.

Thank you for your attention :D
Clans and Families / [DBZ] Dragon Ball Z
Jul 09, 2017, 12:53 AM
Clan name:Dragon Ball Z
Clan tags:DBZ. [DBZ] =DBZ=
Members: =DBZ=bryanYERS..,=DBZ=Vegitto_.,=DBZ=Majin_Buu.. and =DBZ=Valench_.