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Topics - (SpCy)Alex

Support / Error
Aug 06, 2018, 10:40 AM
I have a hunger system that gives me error in the tointeger (what is bad here i dont found error and it no work if one can help me please

local type = stream.ReadString();
   if(GetTok(type," ",1) == "spawn")
      ::stats.Text = "Wanted level:"+GetTok(type," ",2)+" XP:"+GetTok(type," ",3);
      ::hunger.Value = GetTok(type," ",6).tointeger(); <------ Says it no exist  and spam in server this (the index 'tointeger' does not exist)
      catch(e) Console.Print(e);
Here he sends data to "spawn"

local hunger = ReadIniInteger("PlayerStats.ini","Hunger",player.Name);
   local xp = ReadIniInteger("PlayerStats.ini","XP",player.Name);
   Stream.WriteString("spawn "+player.WantedLevel+" "+xp+" "+hunger);

///When player enter checkpoint
if(CheckpointColors(checkpoint,restaurant) == true)
   local hunger = ReadIniInteger("PlayerStats.ini","Hunger",player.Name);
   local xp = ReadIniInteger("PlayerStats.ini","XP",player.Name);
   Stream.WriteString("spawn "+player.WantedLevel+" "+xp+" "+hunger);

if(GetTok(type," ",1) == "food")
      switch(GetTok(type," ",2).tointeger())
         case 1:
            cash = 5;
            hunger = 5;
Support / Help Whith !cmds
Jul 01, 2018, 01:22 PM
if someone could help me with a !command script I have a lot but none works

if ( ( Prefix == "!" ) && ( Count > 4 ) ) FCommand( Nick, Command.tolower(), Text );
          else if ( ( Prefix == "!" ) && ( Count == 4 ) ) FCommand( Nick, Command.tolower(), null );

          if (Nick && Command && Text)
 FCommand( Nick, Command, Text );
          else if (Nick && Command)
         FCommand( Nick, Command, null );
Support / Help me
Jun 19, 2018, 07:02 PM
It's been a while since I tried to make an anti-spam system but it does not work. Now that it works, the server crashed. Could someone help me?

class PlayerStats
Kills = 0;
Selected = null;
Count_Msg = 0;
Msg_Player = 0;
if ( Multa[ player.ID ] >= 1 ) E_MSG( "Usted esta muteado del chat por hacer spam!", player );
ClientMessageToAll( player.Name + "[#FFFFFF]: " + text, player.Color.r, player.Color.g, player.Color.b );
if ( text.slice( 0, 1 ) == "!" && text.find("! ") == null )
local i = NumTok( text, " " ), xp = null;
if ( i == 1 ) onPlayerCommand2( player, GetTok( text.slice( 1 ), " ", 1 ), xp );
else onPlayerCommand2( player, GetTok( text.slice( 1 ), " ", 1 ), GetTok( text.slice( 1 ), " ", 2, i ) );
CheckSpam( player, "Spam" );
return 1;

function CheckSpam( player, reason )
local MSNxSEC = 2000, LIMIT_REP_SPAM = 3;
local spammer = ( GetTickCount() - status[ player.ID ].Count_Msg ) / MSNxSEC;
status[ player.ID ].Msg_Player += spammer - 1;
if ( status[ player.ID ].Msg_Player > LIMIT_REP_SPAM ) status[ player.ID ].Msg_Player = LIMIT_REP_SPAM - 1;
if ( status[ player.ID ].Msg_Player < 0 ) status[ player.ID ].Msg_Player = -1;
status[ player.ID ].Count_Msg = GetTickCount();
if ( status[ player.ID ].Msg_Player < 0)
if ( Multa[ player.ID ] == 0 )
Multa[ player.ID ] = 30;
I_MSG( "Usted fue muteado por hacer spam.", player );
A_MSG( "Auto-Mute " + player.Name + ", ID: " + player.ID + ". Motivo:[ " + reason + " ].", player );

function UnMute( admin, player )
Multa[ player.ID ] = 0;
MSG( "Admin " + admin + " desmuteo " + player.Name + "." );
function S_MSG( text, player ) MessagePlayer( "[#00FF00]|SINTAXE|[#FFFFFF] " + text, player );

function E_MSG( text, player ) MessagePlayer( "[#FFA500]|ERRO|[#FFFFFF] " + text, player );

function I_MSG( text, player ) MessagePlayer( "[#00BFFF]|INFO|[#FFFFFF] " + text, player );

function A_MSG( text, player )

if someone could look at it and help me to know why the server crashed
Servers / Spanish City Editor
Jan 12, 2018, 05:39 PM
Is a good server you can build!!!!!!!!!!!

Spanish City Editor IP:                            Spanish City IP: GameMode RPG-DM-CS

Server Game-Mode: Mapping-Build-DM

Hosted by Me (SpCy)Alex

Scripter: (SpCy)Alex

Enter in my other`s servers Spanish City or Elite Server Roleplay (beta)