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Topics - Tajammul


enum StreamType
   // Acknowledgement that a stream was received.
   ACK      =   500,
   // Check for speedhacks from the samples collected and reset state to 0th sample.
   VALIDATE   =   501,
   // Sample packet to check for speed hacks
   SPEEDCHECK      =   503,
   // Confirm that speed hack was detected
   CONFIRM         =   502

// Frequency at which packets are sent to players.(in mili seconds)
FREQUENCY      <- 2000;

// Number of samples the script takes before making a decision.
const SAMPLES      = 10;

// Percentage of speed increase to be forgiven
const SLACK      = 5.0;

// Array to store samples of time stamps when packets are received.
timeStamp      <- ::array( SAMPLES, null );

function CheckSpeedData( int )
   // Read what kind of data the server sent.
   switch( int )
      case StreamType.VALIDATE:
         // Reset the samples
         ::timeStamp = ::array( SAMPLES, null );
         if ( int < 503 )
            return false;
         // Log the time stamp when the server sent the data.(5 samples)
         local index = int - 503;
         ::timeStamp[index] = Script.GetTicks();
         // Acknowledge to server that the packet was received.
         // local stream = Stream();
         // stream.WriteByte(StreamType.ACK);
         // Server.SendData(stream);
function ValidateSpeed()
   local duration      = array( SAMPLES - 1, null );
   local speedCount   = 0;
   local increase      = 0, maxIncrease = 0;
   for( local i = 0; i < SAMPLES - 1; i++ )
      if( !timeStamp[i+1] || !timeStamp )
         return false;
      duration = timeStamp[i+1] - timeStamp;
      increase = ( ( duration - FREQUENCY ).tofloat()/FREQUENCY) * 100.0;
      maxIncrease = ( increase > maxIncrease ? increase : maxIncrease );
      if( maxIncrease > SLACK )   speedCount++;
   if( speedCount > 0 )
      local stream = Stream();
      stream.WriteString(World.FindLocalPlayer().ID + "-" + speedCount + "-" + maxIncrease);
Link: <Link Removed>
Snippet Showroom / Vcmp Snippy
Sep 28, 2018, 06:56 AM
Drunk , Undrunk System
else if ( cmd == "drunk" )
MessagePlayer(LBLUE+" "+player.Name+" Is Drunk Mode.  .", player );

else if ( cmd == "undrunk" )
MessagePlayer(LBLUE+" "+player.Name+" Exit Drunk Mode.  .", player );