
Started by KAKAN, Jul 17, 2015, 12:25 PM

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I was planning to install Ubuntu, will the vcmp Linux server will work with Ubuntu?
If no, then with which OS, will the Linux server works?
oh no


Linux server will work on any Linux OS


Then tell me which Linux OS is more stable...
oh no


Quote from: KAKAN on Jul 17, 2015, 12:36 PMThen tell me which Linux OS is more stable...

All and none.


I would like to say this: If you don't know anything about linux it's probably a bad idea to start hosting your own server.
Things that would likely go wrong: Running the server as root. Having permission errors. Installing the required packages.
If not more.

Please know that we're a VC:MP forum and are not here to hold your hand while you try out hosting a server on linux.
Yes you can get free VPSes with linux and probably not with windows. But this doesn't mean they're any good, and you should start hosting your server like that.


Okay Thanks anyways, solved, locked
oh no