Save Loc and Gotoloc

Started by Ksna, Jul 16, 2015, 03:38 AM

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Please tell me which one is better to use for save loc or gotoloc
If you say MySQL / ini / xml /...... tell me why it is better please give your own answers


Just use what you use for accounts and stats.


if( !sucess ) tryAgain();
Thanks to the VCMP community. It was the happiest period of my life.


Database is better, MySQL is good for accounts
oh no


Ini is the worst, you can use xml if you read the data more than you write, else you should go for SQL


MySQL is quicker with insert queries, SQLite is faster with select.
Stuff like player stats (which are more updated, then queried) are perfect for MySQL.
Stuff like gotoloc (which are most queried, then updated/inserted) is better with SQLite.

Over complicating your script with all kinds of different saving methods is in my opinion useless and will cause more overhead then actual benefit.


Quote from: Thijn on Jul 16, 2015, 09:16 AMOver complicating your script with all kinds of different saving methods is in my opinion useless and will cause more overhead then actual benefit.

Agreed, I use MySQL for pretty much anything and it goes along fine. The only thing you might want to consider is the right engine for every table (ie. ARCHIVE for logging tables) but still better than having different methods for everything


Well as this topic is already started related with this when we make table so for what thing what kind of type is best?like for cash INT ( 15) // best for the cash so what is the best for the Name IP Reason//which contain more then one word ?So it will not cause lag or anything.


Quote from: Axel-Blaz on Jul 16, 2015, 10:16 AMWell as this topic is already started related with this when we make table so for what thing what kind of type is best?like for cash INT ( 15) // best for the cash so what is the best for the Name IP Reason//which contain more then one word ?So it will not cause lag or anything.

I think the max. length of a nickname in VC:MP is 30 characters, so VARCHAR(30) for Name,
an IPv4 address is built up from 4 sets of 3 digits including 3 seperating dots ( so the length for IP would be VARCHAR(15)