
Started by morphine, May 23, 2016, 05:30 AM

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I don't know what else to write tbh


Open Run and type "AppData\Local\Vice City Multiplayer" without quotations and then delete all folders named 04relxxx, Open browser join server if doesn't work idk xD



Pinging using command prompt wont do anything since VRocker usually blocks ICMP ping request.

Does this happen to every server you tried? What happens when you download the VCMP server and connect to it locally?


If I remember correctly, Veteran was having this problem with a server a few months back and was able to troubleshoot it with the help of @Stormeus. I'm not sure what exactly he did, so you'll need to ask him.


so I did a system restore and shit went back to normal again :D

not sure how it helped but it's the end result that matters!