
Started by FarisDon, Oct 01, 2015, 04:47 PM

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if ( cmd =="i")
Message("" + pinfo[player.ID].HouseID.tointeger() +"",player,255,255,0);
Well It gives me the error Wrong Parameter while knowing that it's useless code, and i don't need it! But the thing is that i want to know the logic why it's giving me the wrong number of Parameters! And why this Wrong Number Of Parameters Error come basically ? I thought, for integers if we don't describe them! Please tell me a logic :) I'll really appreciate, and how to solve this thingy mean what mistake i commited, so i can learn!
P.S: Sorry, for my bad English.
I added this HouseID=0; In The Famous Pinfo Class! and it's also loaded.


void Message(string text);
You are supplying it with
string text, CPlayer player, int r, int g, int b
From which concludes that you are confusing it with ClientMessage
So replace it with ClientMessage
[spoiler]You're a noob![/spoiler]


Quote from: NE.CrystalBlue on Oct 01, 2015, 04:52 PMvoid Message(string text);
You are supplying it with
string text, CPlayer player, int r, int g, int b
From which concludes that you are confusing it with ClientMessage
So replace it with ClientMessage
[spoiler]You're a noob![/spoiler]
OMG! Lol i didn't Notice that ._. I typed Message Instead of ClientMessage!
Thank You @NE.CrystalBlue