Blips sprite parameter.

Started by ., Oct 25, 2015, 12:21 PM

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Can anyone explain to me how the blips work? I remember someone explained me on IRC once but I simply forgot. The thing that confuses me is that in the C/C++ plugin API in the function used to create the blip. The last parameter it's called a sprite. But I remember it wasn't really a sprite. And that it was an ID to some texture somewhere.

typedef int (*SDK_CreateCoordBlip) (int nIndex, int nWorld, float fX, float fY, float fZ, int nScale, unsigned int uColour, int nSprite);
I need to create the Blip class in my plugin and I need to know what that ID really is. Is it an actual sprite instance or an ID to a small texture that can be considered a sprite. I'm a bit confused by the naming here.


The ID refers to the ID used in the sprite naming. In order to create a custom blip you put your png file in the store/mapicons folder with a name like so:
The 101 is the ID you use in CreateBlip.

I think the IDs start on 100, but I'm not 100% certain.