[BUG/CRASH] Injected Thread Is Hung

Started by Tibix, Aug 02, 2016, 02:18 PM

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Hey, Probably everybody saw this error minimum once. Just like myself. Sometimes I got this error, but just reconnected and then it worked fine. Somedays ago I stopped playing for a bit, like 2-3 days, cause I had other things to do. And then after I got some time to play, I got this error, No matter how much I tried to connect, It said that. After 50-75 Tries (Yes, You see the number right.) I was able to connect once. But then I quitted after I got bored. So, when I wanted to connect again, No matter how much I pressed I wasn't able to connect, because of this error. I tried connecting for days, as you can see without success. I tried to most common and uncommon solutions but none worked. I have no idea what to do, please help.

-Running as admin
-Restarting PC
-Reinstalling VCMP
-Uninstalling Antivirus software
-Resetting VCMP Config


What you were doing at the time of the crashes
Trying to connect to a server

What you think caused the crash
I absolutely have no idea

Are you using the Steam version?
No, but I sometimes run VCMP From Steam. My VC Isn't steam edition.

System Information:
Model: Asus EEE Pc 1005 HGO/HBO
Ram: 1GB DDR2
CPU: Intel Atom 1.66GHZ 1 core, 2 threads
GPU: Intel GMA 945 Express
OS: Windows 7 Super Lite x86 (Stripped-down Win 7 Ultimate)

Further Information: I never had big problems before with VCMP


Seeing as you're on windows 7 you could try this fix if the game is starting slow, possibly causing an error message like that.

EDIT: But seeing how you're using a stripped down version of windows 7, you might not even have games for windows installed.


Thanks you for method, but sadly it didn't work. I use this Windows version by 1 years now. And every game works fine. I also use a modded driver. For GMA 945. But VC worked with it, and VCMP Too.


Have you tried running with different compatibility modes?

EDIT: And just to confirm, the single-player mode is working fine, right?


Compatibility settings didn't work. And yes, SP Mode works.
(Sometimes I get unhandled exception thought but very rare.)


Ok, I solved it. I deleted VCMP From PreFetch (C:\Windows\Prefetch)
And It worked, But now I am getting the 5x of my original ping.


Quote from: Tibix on Aug 04, 2016, 01:05 PMOk, I solved it. I deleted VCMP From PreFetch (C:\Windows\Prefetch)
And It worked, But now I am getting the 5x of my original ping.
Get a good net connection and it will be fixed.