Hiding certain map objects

Started by krystianoo, Feb 20, 2017, 12:35 PM

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I'm trying to hide one of the original objects of the game in Starfish Island, more specifically; base of one of the houses. The object name is mansion3gardens, ID is 2384.

HideMapObject(2384, -643.249878, -361.785889, 9.141858)
RawHideMapObject(2384, -6432, -3618, 91);

This is how the code should look. However after putting it in /exec nothing happens. I saw a thread by rww about one object in the military base being bugged, although I'm not sure if there is a workaround for this. Is there a workaround? Or maybe I messed something up?



The only workaround is to make a hidemapobjects.txt or something file that removes the map and then manually recreate all objects except for the one you want to remove.