onObjectBump - Not getting called when in vehicle

Started by DizzasTeR, Apr 16, 2015, 08:46 AM

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According to the name of this event, it seems that it should be tracking the bumps when both in vehicle or on foot, because if this was planned to be just for foot then it should have been something like onPlayerTouchObject.

The fact that this event is getting called only when on foot, it doesn't allow me to implement some useful and unique stuff, If this is a bug, then I hope soon we will have this event working with vehicles as well...

If its made for foot only then atleast we can have a new version of this event which tracks this event when in vehicle as well.


I can see the reason why only on foot is reported. Also, just because it says "Bump" doesn't necessarily mean you crash it with a vehicle or something and neither "Touch" sounds too perfect. The therm use in physics engines is called "Collide". When two objects collide with each other.

Back to the reason why collisions aren't forwarded when the player is inside a vehicle. Because, managing the collisions for ~100 players, ~1000 vehicles, ~3000 objects and ~2000 pickups might not be such a good idea. So, you need to simplify things by only testing ~100 players and ~3000 objects. Of course this can be done in an efficient manner but some substantial work is required.


So that means we can't have the facility to call that event with vehicle? This is going to be seriously bad because a massive efficiency on one of my gamemodes is going to not get fixed, tho those who can use it well should atleast get it, although not all objects are tracked, only the one registered to be tracked, so I don't think anyone will track all the objects one creates, it would be really really helpful if we can track with vehicles as well.


This has been implemented internally and will be pushed later when other bugfixes are implemented as well.