Echo Problem

Started by BrYaN_FuRy, Jul 31, 2015, 06:43 AM

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i have done with my script i was working on echo  it show no error but does not connect my channel this is my setting

const FBS_NICK = "Fast & Furious BoT"; // The name of the echo bot
const FBS_BPASS = "lmaorolfidklolbrb"; // The NickServ password of the echo bot
const FBS_SERVER = ""; // The numerical ip of the irc server - Coming Soon
const FBS_PORT = 6667; // The port for that irc server
const FBS_CHAN = "#f&f"; // The channel that you wont your echo bot to join
const FBS_CPASS = ""; // The password for that channel, if there isnt one leave it as "".{

and ActivateEcho i also add this on ScriptLoad() ActivateEcho();

function ActivateEcho()
print( "Confirming echo bot details..." );
FBS_BOT <- NewSocket( "FBSProcess" );

FBS_BOT.SetNewConnFunc( "FBSLogin" );
print( "Bot details confirmed!" );

FBS_NICKS <- array( 50, null );

also plugins are connected


Try a tiny nick such as ffbot

Grand Hunting Project
Join #SLC, #KAKAN, #Doom, #GHP @LUnet

Retired VC:MP Player/Scripter :P


i don't know about it


Your echo bot name should not have spaces try giving something like FFBot


thanks works i get dany multi echo and works now problem is that when i send messages from echo they show that message gone to server but when i see from server there is no echo message


Show me the function/command which you used for sending messages to server.


i hope it is this

function EMessage( text )
// EMessage is to be used when you want to send the Message function and have it echoed back to your echo channel
Message( text );
EchoMessage( text );


oh no


Quote from: KAKAN on Aug 01, 2015, 12:29 PMGo here plz:-

He is using  Dany's multibot echo and that has totally separate functions from FBS

Grand Hunting Project
Join #SLC, #KAKAN, #Doom, #GHP @LUnet

Retired VC:MP Player/Scripter :P


Its better to use FBS
oh no


 ;D This is not working!


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