Robbing System

Started by [VSS]Shawn, Jul 26, 2015, 10:24 AM

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Hello Fella I am today releasing Robbing System for any server it quit Easy Just add these things

Credits : Ksna Random Cash Robbing

First Add on Commands

function onPlayerCommand( player, cmd, text )
if ( cmd == "robskills" )
MessagePlayer( "[#FF0000] Your robbing skill are: " + GetRob(player) + "." ,player );
   Now Work On Functions
   Add this on ScriptLoad
stats <- array(GetMaxPlayers(), null);
randomrob <- [ 50000, 10000, 15120, 220300, 25100, 350006, 355100, 403200 ];
   now on Functions.nut
   function RobieCopie()
QuerySQL( db, "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS Rob&Cop( Name TEXT),Robskill NUMERIC )" );
function GetRob( player )
   local Robie =  GetSQLColumnData( QuerySQL( db, "SELECT Robskills FROM Rob&Cop WHERE Name='" + player.Name+"'" ), 0 );
   if ( Robie ) return Robie;
   else return 0;
function SetRob( player, rob )
      QuerySQL(db, "UPDATE Rob&Cop SET Robskill='" +  rob.tointeger() + "' WHERE Name='" + player.Name + "'");   
   on PlayerClass
    Robskill = 0;
Cash = 0;
   Now Lets Move to PickupPickup
   function onPickupPickedUp( player, pickup )
if ( pickup.Model == 408 )
Message("[#FF0000]"+ player.Name +" has Robbing the "+ GetDistrictName( player.Pos.x, player.Pos.y ) +"");
local a = randomrob[rand()% randomrob.len()]
stats[ player.ID ].cash = stats[ player.ID ].cash + a ;
Announce( "~y~ You have Robbed :"+ a +"", player )
player.Cash = stats[ player.ID ].cash;
pickup.RespawnTime = 30000;
   Now CreatePickups
    function Loade()
CreatePickup(508, Vector( 390.96, -506.26, 9.39 ));
CreatePickup(408, Vector( 204.29, -490.98, 11.06 ));
CreatePickup(408, Vector(-854.526, -631.75, 11.3756 ));
CreatePickup(408, Vector(-688.706, -1262.49, 16.3473 ));
CreatePickup(408, Vector(-665.025, -1484.42, 13.8016 ));
CreatePickup(408, Vector(-885.324, -469.998, 13.1111 ));
CreatePickup(408, Vector(-847.002, -71.6495, 11.5405 ));
CreatePickup(408, Vector(-1079.64, -275.416, 12.0882 ));
CreatePickup(408, Vector(-1036.4 81.2033, 11.6515 ));
CreatePickup(408, Vector(-992.73, 200.392, 15.2213 ));
CreatePickup(408, Vector(-830.158, 741.534, 11.2885 ));
CreatePickup(408, Vector(-906.182, 799.715, 11.4546 ));
CreatePickup(408, Vector(-854.047, 85 11.3846 ));
CreatePickup(408, Vector(-754.53, 1342.74, 11.767 ));
CreatePickup(408, Vector(472.16, 1009.2, 19.1493 ));
CreatePickup(408, Vector(423.496, 1039.0 18.9648 ));
CreatePickup(408, Vector(364.464, 1075.12, 19.0649 ));
CreatePickup(408, Vector(470.443, 1208.18, 19.0094 ));
   Enjoy ;)

If you find any bug feel free to post or pm me


Without the permisssion of owner ksna, he took this from ksna's cops and robbers
NE.CrystalBlue is a very great person.

Quoteit does not mattter that his name is not under vcmp developers but i hope his name will come as he is a great scripter, works hards, help others, hnot selfish


gtfo I just add his random cash System not the whole function


then why u didn't edit the array as well?
It shows that YOU have ROBBED this snip from KSNA, that's why the topic name and the snips are named as "Robs"
oh no


oh yaar wtf didn't u know i just use his random cash function not the whole fucking function got it now leave


Locked before this turns into another flaming war.