Level does not exists

Started by Cool, Jul 15, 2016, 10:58 AM

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Quote from: Mötley on Jul 16, 2016, 12:13 PMThis is just as bad as having a new employee learning everything wrong, but he can function, He tries hard, But never really completes the job to his fullest possible credentials, Resulting in failure.

Then you have another employee learning better methods, Then taking on his own methods off of were he has trained. Becoming an amazing successor.

I Would Love to see others succeed in what ever they are doing in life, Not doing everything to continue to get by.
That was just to give him an example. And you know what, GetTok is tons time slower than the native split method, so I prefer my way of coding. But, we should stop here, that was just an example code, I'm no longer a scripter in Squirrel, so, don't look at me to give you 100% right things, better ask Doom or SLC.
oh no


Well in apologies as to I never intended to make you feel like a bad scriptwriter or really anyone.

As a business person, As well employee, I had my reasonings of my post, posted In what you quoted above this post.


Quote from: Mötley on Jul 16, 2016, 12:27 PMWell in apologies as to I never intended to make you feel like a bad scriptwriter or really anyone.

As a business person, As well employee, I had my reasonings of my post, posted In what you quoted above this post.

no lol, I didn't mean that. I just can't understand what you said that reading those scripts might give you cancer. I typed them roughly on NP++, so, didn't care about spaces or formatting or any other thing.
And by saying, bad scriptwriter, I mean, I left Squirrel scripting long ago, so, yes, I'm, that's the truth. I've my mood on Web Developing, Squirrel is of no use there :p
oh no


Quote from: Hercules on Jul 16, 2016, 06:22 AM@Motley I don't have leaked script

You pretend you are Pro scriptwriter when you prefer to use horible methods, Yet someone leads you on to better qualities in scripting but you prefer to use the same crappy methods you have been doing, I really wish someone would point me in a better yet quality dirrection as I would go for it, You are rather subburn sir.

I have a strong feeling you do have a leaky script, You should not take this as a bad thing.

There are many ways to take over servers that do not have proper methods,.

Simple Example:  I could crash your player in three seconds and your stats/arrays/etc will not clear, Allowing me to have a possibility to take over your [ Player.ID ] to take over your array and or class and give others legit accounts Admin, Then leave the server and use an legit account, I've done this before plenty of times when helping others bug test systems, Systems that are very very good systems.

It's all about manipulating the games time rate as well game engine client side.

But I'm not hear to teach how to bug test and take over a server as I do not play this old game, I only rarely check out servers "I've been doing this for to long 'GGM, MTA days' "

Quote from: Hercules on Jul 16, 2016, 07:43 AM
Quote from: KAKAN on Jul 16, 2016, 07:01 AM
Quote from: KAKAN on Jul 15, 2016, 04:47 PMremove this line and try:-( from SaveStats function )
pstats[ id ] = null;
It should work now. And too, remove the foreach loop from the onPlayerPart function.
Did you try that, @Hercules?
I'll make a kick command for you, just wait and watch.
:edit: As promised, here's the command:- function onPlayerCommand( player, cmd, text )
if( cmd == "kick" )
//Using this for quick access to that function.
local m = MessagePlayer;
if( !IsAdmin( player ) ) m("nein access",player);
else if( !text ) m("Invalid Syntax.",player);
local params = split(text," ");
if( params.len() >= 1 ) return m("You forgot the reason.",player);
a = params[0], //again for easy access.
plr = ( IsNum( a ) ? FindPlayer( a.tointeger() ) : FindPlayer( a ) ), //The player who is going to get kicked.
reason = ""; //reason, everyone knows it
if( !plr ) return m("Invalid player.",player);
for( local i = 1; i < params.len(); i++ ) reason += params[i];
Message( plr + " has been kicked by: " + player + ". Reason: " + reason );
yes my kick is now also works but @KAKAN in your cmd have a problem i also put reason but error you forget reason :P please fix it i want to use your one

Why would you use this method.

When I was lead into better ways I was highly great full, KIDS these days act like your telling them what to do, Not the truth "Helping them out, Giving better qualities, Opening another's credentials". Thats what script help should come down to, Not do this code for me. I will admit I have seen Smexy coding with issues that deserve help, But it's impossible to help someone with fugly coding.

@KAKAN, I never said you were a bad scriptwriter, I'm not good myself, But I keep trying and studying hear and there everyday.


@Mötley I think you do not have knowledge to know the script thats not a leaked script if i having a leaked so i will not in problem about a small cmd kick i think you like to saying its leak script and saying only myself script fine dont take wrong