[Question]Time allowed to spawn the next vehicle

Started by Mötley, Aug 01, 2016, 08:36 PM

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Okay so I managed to get around to creating a really good server system for players spawning cars into the world.

So basically there is a time limit until you can spawn the next vehicle, When that time limit is over you can then spawn the vehicle and remove the correct vehicle without killing any other players using the same car ID "I'm sure I am not the only one that dealt with that before".

The time range is 60 seconds. I kind of feel that it's a long time rang. But at the same point in time I want a smooth server system, This time range is connected to my player loop methods, There is only one timer in the server, Then theres another function to validate the time ranges in these scenarios .

Is 60 seconds to much? I do not want to piss of the player base but at the same time make spawning/using/finding cars more fun in the server.

I could use a second opinion.


Why not listen to when the players get out of a vehicle and when there's no one in a certain vehicle, you start a 60 seconds (or w/e) timer and if no one get's into that vehicle during that time then you can destroy that vehicle.

You have 1000 vehicle's at your disposal. And a maximum of 100 players. Do you really cannot manage 10 vehicles per player? Or does that not seem like enough vehicles?


The player is only allowed one vehicle,
That vehicle is removed once allowed to spawn the next vehicle in command (as you said on entering and exiting
"But only disappears one the command so that player could leave the server and the same player.ID join but when the new player.ID "Same player.ID as the other player" spawns a vehicle that other vehicle then gets removed at that time. .
Random cars do not affect the time rang or reset the players time rang only cars on in commands