Clanstats in database

Started by Nihongo^, Sep 08, 2016, 12:11 PM

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Quote from: Nihongo^ on Sep 08, 2016, 12:11 PMhello im using kartoz GetTag( string ) function we can add clans manually in note pad
but is it possible to add them into a database instead adding it on NOTEPAD ?
Quotefunction GetTag( string )
        Tag = FindClan( string ).toupper(),                 // Getting the clan tag & switching it to upper case just to match the table regardless of case.
        // There needed the alliance in big letters
        // Clan Table for defining slots of clan sublevels [ Trainee, Rookie & Scout ]
        Clans = { VU_T = "VU", VU_R = "VU", TLK = "ULK", TLKR = "ULK", MKT = "MK", MKS = "MK", DKR = "DK", DKT = "DK", DKS = "DK" };
         if ( Tag in Clans )    // Checking if the tag obtained through findclan( string ) is in Clan Table or not
             return Clans[ Tag ];      // If yes, its time to calling their corresponding slots from the table
        else return FindClan( string );    // if not, then tag will be as it is [ If no slot will be alloted for a clan then script may recognize sublevels as other clans ]

How the hell did this question which only required a Yes or No answer took 3 f*ing pages? Where the answer was obviously Yes because what can be stored into text files can also be stored into a database (duh!). How dafuq is this even possible? How did it get to this? Sorry, I just couldn't take it anymore.


keep calm i can't make topic every time if u want i will change the topic name


Quote from: Nihongo^ on Sep 11, 2016, 01:01 PMkeep calm i can't make topic every time if u want i will change the topic name

This isn't about the topic title man. You simply asked if you can save a couple names in a database. To which the answer was a simple Yes. But then this crap escalated to a whole new area because you couldn't even get the spaces right.

You don't know what a number, semicolon, dot, value, variable, text, function etc. is or does. If someone doesn't hand you the code and tell you exactly where and how to paste it you're completely lost. Why not just stick to playing? Or at least get some practice before going this far off the reservation.


its werid after getting the answere "YES" i lock the topic and create another one

btw i know about semicolan numbers blah but i was completly forgot about it i start scripting after a long time


Quote from: Doom_Kill3R on Sep 11, 2016, 11:18 AMif( Tag = null )

Should be

if( Tag == null )

Sorry about the double post thanks doom its work but its print 0 in concel

see full =


you can see it clearly. That means the clan doesn't exist. Make sure that the clans are inserted into that array.
oh no


Quote from: KAKAN on Sep 12, 2016, 06:56 AMyou can see it clearly. That means the clan doesn't exist. Make sure that the clans are inserted into that array.

Sorry i found some mistakes in code which has been fixed  :P why did not you tell  me about inserting tags in clan array like

Quoteclans <- ["vu"];

now my script is loaded and he found the tag but its print something weird
like ( array : 0x005D17B8)


You must use return Tag; and not return clans;
oh no