For Every hour of coding

Started by Mötley, Dec 18, 2016, 09:19 AM

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For Every hour of coding I would like to encourage others to do workouts.

For me, Every hour I do 100 push-ups "Which is nothing for me" and 25 sit-ups "Only 25 as I am trying to keep the fat that I have for muscle, Not burn it off".

The reason behind this is to stay active, You are wasting a lot of time behind your PC, At-least invest it in other places, Places that you will be happy with the results.

This also helps me relax when I code. I want to sit back relax and do some coding. Typically at times I skip workouts as it's not good to over do it,

Just saying, Try it :)


Quote from: Mötley on Dec 18, 2016, 09:19 AMThe reason behind this is to stay active, You are wasting a lot of time behind your PC, At-least invest it in other places, Places that you will be happy with the results.

Quote from: Mötley on Dec 18, 2016, 09:19 AMFor Every hour of coding I would like to encourage others to do workouts.
meh, I go for cycling and also I go to a place( higher altitude ) every day I guess. The distance is more than 6kms, I guess its more than 100 push-ups or 25 sit ups :p Also, who likes to code? I only code when I need to, I don't wanna waste my time on a VCMP/LUMP server :p Instead, I sit near the PC, watch a TV show or some old cartoon film( Avatar - The last airbender )
oh no


I do a lot of studies during my only free time, Which isn't much. So I guess it all depends on how much available time you have in life..


Are you programming or doing workout? Because if you combine the both of them then you won't succeed in neither. Why not code for several hours to exercise your brain and then do workout for the remaining time to exercise your body. And then proceed to getting some rest for both of them. But ffs, don't do both at the same time.


I never really thought of it like that. That makes a lot of sense, I think I do it the way I do because of ADD "Attention-Deficit Disorder". So at times my mind races to other stuff, And I choose to over power that with working out. Kind of works, I will try the way you mentioned today.


The thing is that it's always good to take a 10 mins break for every 50 mins you spend concentrated on something (which is why there are things like recess @ school). It's also a very good practice if you work with algorithms because it gives you time to think of different approaches in other environments.

Also, it's clearly been proven that people who hit the gym regularly, do jogging/go biking daily are more focused and get better results (can't find the study now, check out this entirely legit forbes study instead plus it also keeps you in good shape throughout the day.

However you need to balance all of these things with a good diet (I'm not saying go vegan or stuff like that, just balance your food and skip some sweets)

Quote from: Mötley on Dec 18, 2016, 09:19 AM"Which is nothing for me" ... "Only 25 as I am trying to keep the fat that I have for muscle, Not burn it off".

P.S: I think you are not sure what double quotes are used for? They are used to quote stuff. Perhaps you mean to use '(' and  ')' in these places?
QuotePS:is trash is ur home language??


Try to get muscles like Jin Kazama from tekken. Shouldnt take more than 3 months


Quote from: Kewun on Dec 18, 2016, 12:49 PMTry to get muscles like Jin Kazama from tekken. Shouldnt take more than 3 months
And then...  Hit your brand new expensive keyboard so hard that it will break.
oh no
