Wrong server pass

Started by Siezer, May 09, 2015, 10:52 AM

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I have added the linux modules which are given  in modules folder and also added it on script load in load modules and when i hosted the server it is working in 0.3 mode and when i tried to go in server it says wrong server pass.
plz help me.


:-\ add in your script.nut:

function onServerStart()
//Server Settings

0.3 is no longer supported, upgrade your server to 0.4

here's the latest: http://forum.vc-mp.org/?topic=575.msg3789#msg3789


bro on server start is already in my script then?


In server.conf remove all 0.3 settings and do similar to this below -
<ServerName>Server Name</ServerName>
        <Password>yourpass</Password>  // Removed this line in my case

<PlayerPos x="-1105.0217" y="341.3497" z="12.8066" />
<CamPos x="-1105.0120" y="343.9509" z="11.6364" />
<CamLook x="-1105.0217" y="341.3497" z="12.8086" />
<WorldBoundaries x1="5000.0" x2="-5000.0" y1="5000.0" y2="-5000.0"/>

// Other things

OnServerStart() I am not using SetPassword(""); try the above but first remove onServerStart's SetPassword(""); thing


First of all, 0.4 works very different than 0.3. If this is a question about 0.3 than it should be closed as it's been deprecated. However, for the sake of not being a total d!ck. Let me explain (or ask) a couple things which perhaps I misunderstood.

  • Modules are not loaded from scripts like  in 0.3. Instead they're listed in server.cfg and loaded automatically on server startup. NOTE: Only the module names are permitted, without the extension (.dll or .so).
  • I believe that you've been fooled into thinking that you could connect with a 0.3 client on a 0.4 server or the other way around. Someone asked this on the forum and the answer was NO!. They're incompatible in every way possible.
  • And finally. Can you please, PLEASE, be more specific? When the translator that you use screws you like that. Post some screenshots or something. We'll understand much more from those than what "you said" (actually, what the translator said).

Have a nice day.


thanks jayant it works but not conveted into 0.4 mode?


You have 0.3 scripts and you need to convert them to 0.4. For that you should start the server and see the errors and bugs and try to fix them. You can use wiki to see the changed functions and newly introduced functions in 0.4. 

Off - I firstly used a converted script but now I am writing my own and its better to write new one :)


plz you can tell me about wiki?


Quote from: Rocki on May 10, 2015, 04:44 AMplz you can tell me about wiki?
Quote from: stormeus on Oct 06, 2014, 09:04 PM...

Squirrel Documentation
A list of functions and callbacks can be found on the VC:MP Wiki:



bro i have hosted the server but it is not coming in masterlist of 0.4 and it is 0.3 script?
help me plz


In your server.cfg file do like this -
announce_verbose true
gamemode gamemodename
plugins hashing04rel32 sqlite04rel32 xmlconf04rel32 squirrel04rel32 sockets04rel32 ini04rel32 cmdinputrel32 announce04rel32
port 5724
sqgamemode Main.nut or your.nut

Windows platform - If you are using port 5724 for vc-mp server, port forward to 5724 port.
Linux platform - Please check if all of your ports are open, mainly 5724 port.
Announce_verbose true // This is for announcing your server to masterlist.

Additional - 0.4 Requirements >>

"plugins" folder - with all the important plugins used by the server.
"server.conf" - a text file with all the settings < it was a part of vcmp 0.3 and now a part of 0.4 with removed things like rcon,gamemode etc >. "server.conf" is loaded by "xmlconf04rel32" plugin
"server.cfg" - Information provided above.
"server.exe" or "mpsvrrel32 or 64 " file to start the server.

To know more, roam everywhere in forum :)