Linux plugin errors

Started by Mateus, Aug 16, 2019, 08:32 PM

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The Linux distribution is Ubuntu 19.04
Vice City Multiplayer Server
 v0.4, (c) 2007-2014 VC:MP Team

Plugin error >> dlopen() 'plugins/' failed: plugins/ undefined symbol: _ZN8CryptoPP6Filter11TransferTo2ERNS_22BufferedTransformationERyRKNSt7__cxx1112basic_stringIcSt11char_traitsIcESaIcEEEb
Failed to load plugin: hashing04rel64

Loaded plugin: sockets04rel64

Loaded plugin: announce04rel64

Loaded plugin: squirrel04rel64

Loaded plugin: xmlconf04rel64

Loaded plugin: ini04rel64

Loaded plugin: sqlite04rel64

.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
Failed to load plugin: mysql04rel64

[WEAPONS] No custom weapons to load.
[VEHICLEMODELS] No custom vehicle models to load.
Unknown bind__() error -1.
Unable to start server on host:  port: 5192. Port in use?


Awaiting Other Solutions


Two more ways to solve this:
1. Stop being lazy and search the forum;
2. You solve it yourself and share it with us another way.

Read the link from step 1 and maybe you get a new solution


1. Of course I've researched solutions to problems
2. There is still no solution to the problems

The first problem is the smallest of all for me. I have bigger problems like the second error message, and the third, regarding the port in use
All in all, thank you very much for your comment 8)


Nothing we don't have here in the forum. And these are very suggestive things
Apparently you don't have the file mysql04rel64.
The error with the port can be another application using it. You can only have one application per port.
If you are trying to open two servers at the same time, change the port in server.cfg


Quote from: Milos on Aug 21, 2019, 03:46 AMNothing we don't have here in the forum. And these are very suggestive things
Apparently you don't have the file mysql04rel64.
The error with the port can be another application using it. You can only have one application per port.
If you are trying to open two servers at the same time, change the port in server.cfg

So far there is nothing similar in the forum.

Running VC: MP server for Windows, no error return. Running the VC: MP server for Linux is developed with error messages and issues. :'(