Help : Learning DB And Admin System/Squirrel Scripting.

Started by Pr0Ankit, May 21, 2015, 02:59 AM

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Hello All,

I am new to Squirrel Scripting. Althought I am an old player of vcmp . I know some pawn scripting but I am new to Squirrel.
So, Can anyone tell me where can i learn squirrel scripting and mysql database. I want to make my server with admin commands and level system. So of course i need to connect mysql db to my server and then I think I have to upload my server to a vps and and allow my forum to check the webstats.db file.
P.S :- I'm not asking for giving me a script, code or any kind of direct help. Please guide me to the manual and I will do it myself.

Best Regards,


There are MySQL, SQL and unoffical hash, you can make use of any one among them..To learn squirrel you can refer links -

MySQL Functions -
mysql_connect( szHost, szUsername, szPassword, szDatabase, iPort )
mysql_close( pConnection )
mysql_query( pConnection, szQuery )
mysql_num_rows( pResult )
mysql_num_fields( pResult )
mysql_fetch_row( pResult )
mysql_fetch_assoc( pResult )
mysql_fetch_lengths( pResult )
mysql_free_result( pResult )
mysql_errno( pConnection )
mysql_error( pConnection )
mysql_ping( pConnection )
mysql_escape_string( pConnection, szString )
mysql_select_db( pConnection, szDatabase )
mysql_change_user( pConnection, szUser, szPassword )
mysql_warning_count( pConnection )
mysql_affected_rows( pConnection )
mysql_insert_id( pConnection )
mysql_info( pConnection )
Account system by Fuzzie [ SQL & MySQL separately ] -

Hash functions -
SQL functions - [ This site contains good examples and functions for most of the languages. ]