[Re-post] LK - Legendary Killers | Since 2009

Started by Dadero, Apr 23, 2020, 05:41 PM

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Jeury/elganster47 has been Accepted and Returns to the family as a Trainee Member.

Clan's Experience: VCMP
• Legendary Killers 2010-2012 [LK]
• United Legion of Killers 2013 [ULK]
• Legendary Killers 2013 - act [LK]



Evan has 1 year in the family and promoted to Silver Member (internal rank of our family). Congratulations!!

Clan's Experience: VCMP
• Legendary Killers 2010-2012 [LK]
• United Legion of Killers 2013 [ULK]
• Legendary Killers 2013 - act [LK]



Dadero has 10 years in the family and promoted to Golden Member (internal rank of our family). Congratulations!!

Clan's Experience: VCMP
• Legendary Killers 2010-2012 [LK]
• United Legion of Killers 2013 [ULK]
• Legendary Killers 2013 - act [LK]



Ana has 8 years in the family and promoted to History Member (internal rank of our family).
Nelvis14 has been promoted to Rookie Member.


Buzz has 8 years in the family and promoted to History Member (internal rank of our family).


Legendary Killers celebrated its 13th anniversary in this community and as a family group!!.
Our Founder Neji has 13 years in the family.
Jeury/elganster47 has been promoted to Rookie Member.


Rorro has 8 years in the family and promoted to History Member (internal rank of our family).

Clan's Experience: VCMP
• Legendary Killers 2010-2012 [LK]
• United Legion of Killers 2013 [ULK]
• Legendary Killers 2013 - act [LK]



Vega has 8 years in the family and promoted to History Member (internal rank of our family).

Clan's Experience: VCMP
• Legendary Killers 2010-2012 [LK]
• United Legion of Killers 2013 [ULK]
• Legendary Killers 2013 - act [LK]



As a Member and Leader of LK, i want to notify the community that a group of people created a clan called: Legendary Killers - [LK] using our brand and images of ranks, discord, etc, already registered for more than 15 years in this game...

We want to make it clear that this clan is totally fake and we ask the administrators to be kind and block these people if they appear using our clan tag in different servers of the current VCMP. Thank you very much, greetings to all.

Como miembro y líder de LK, quiero notificar a la comunidad que un grupo de personas creó un clan llamado: Legendary Killers - [LK] usando nuestra marca e imágenes de rangos, discord, etc, ya registrado por más de 15 años en este juego...

Queremos dejar claro que este clan es totalmente falso y pedimos a los administradores que sean amables y bloqueen a estas personas si aparecen usando nuestra etiqueta de clan en diferentes servidores del VCMP actual. Nos ayudarían mucho desde ya muchas gracias, saludos.

Clan's Experience: VCMP
• Legendary Killers 2010-2012 [LK]
• United Legion of Killers 2013 [ULK]
• Legendary Killers 2013 - act [LK]