[0.4] New World City

Started by Emi, Aug 07, 2022, 10:07 PM

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Hello, after 1 year of continuous work and updates. I present you, the New World City server

Developer: Emi
Host:BanatSync BanatSync

Testers: Kingston,Athanatos,HunTinG,Abbas^,Speed and others
Special Thanks: Athanatos(helping me fix lots of bugs and errors),Shy(Account system),LBRNaru(Helping me with discord bot + sockets connections),Anish(discord script),SmoK(helping me with a vps to host it),OneVice Hosting(forum hosting)
Store Folder + size: https://www.mediafire.com/file/7dfr401a6y86x8x/ (5 MB)
Change the folder name from to 51-178-65-136-1337

Forum: http://nwc.rf.gd
Server IP:
Rel004 Server IP:
Discord: https://discord.gg/KECpgravba

It has everything a DM server needs to have + some bonus features

Previous ChangeLogs:

NWC 0.8 Changelog:
Fixed Gotoloc System
Spree System done. !spree
Fixed Ban System
The server is now OPEN for everyone!

NWC 0.9 Changelog:
Added Quote System
Fixed /spec /spawnwep commands
Fixed an unknown bug which made the server crash
Added vehicle database

NWC 1.0 Changelog (THE BIG UPDATE)

Added Speedometer
Fixed SpawnWep System
Bank System in progress 50% Done
Banned the following weapons from spawnwep and wep cmds: Chainsaw,Remote Detonation Grenade,Minigun

NWC 1.1 Changelog:

Fixed Diepos/LastPos bug
Finished Bank System
Added New Skins
Added more cars + changed spawn positions for some of them.
Server is open for everyone, so have fun!

NWC 1.2 ChangeLog:
Added /rules command
Added Ignore System /ignore & /unignore
Added Spectate System with KEYS (S, LEFT KEY , RIGHT KEY)
Fixed /goto command bug on nogoto enabled

And a clean sync so players can enjoy a smooth and lag-less gameplay.

NWC Developer
Host Provider
XE | European Moderator


NWC Developer
Host Provider
XE | European Moderator
