small downtown addon (stairs)

Started by vitovc, Sep 20, 2023, 05:24 AM

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I have added some stairs in downtown. Feel free to use it in your server.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ASCII" ?>
<item model="2027" name="fix9"><!-- dt g-spot stairs 1 -->
<position x="-573.91" y="1374.23" z="15.63" />
<rotation format="axisangle" x="0.936672" y="0" z="0" angle="0.350207" />
<item model="2027" name="fix10"><!-- dt g-spot stairs 2 -->
<position x="-367.1" y="913.05" z="16.28" />
<rotation format="axisangle" x="-0.191693" y="-0.952011" z="0.233975" angle="-0.0467349" />
<item model="2334" name="fix23"><!-- dt hole stairs 1 -->
<position x="-536.29" y="880.1" z="70.7" />
<rotation format="axisangle" x="0" y="0" z="-0.999998" angle="-0.00174547" />
<item model="2334" name="fix24"><!-- dt hole stairs 2 -->
<position x="-517.09" y="1024.7" z="70.7" />
<rotation format="axisangle" x="0" y="0" z="0.0017449" angle="0.999999" />
<item model="449" name="fix25"><!-- dt hole palm 1 -->
<position x="-521.09" y="1020.9" z="60.3" />
<rotation format="axisangle" x="0" y="0" z="-0.921185" angle="-0.389124" />
<item model="449" name="fix26"><!-- dt hole palm 2 -->
<position x="-532.69" y="883.3" z="60.3" />
<rotation format="axisangle" x="0" y="0" z="-0.921185" angle="-0.389124" />
...::: vice city :::...
