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Messages - Hanney

Map Showroom / [MAP] Small hideout
Jun 12, 2015, 11:17 AM

A small hideout with office, recreation area and bedroom hidden in the area behind downtown ammunation ideal for the shady gangster looking to lay low to let the heat cool off.



IPL file:

XML file:
Map Showroom / [MAP] Palypalms Island
Jun 12, 2015, 10:53 AM
A piece of map I created long long ago:


Palypalms Island is a private residence island located off the north-east shore of Vice City. It features:

- A decorated clubhouse
- Beach and rocks... lots and lots of rocks.
- A yacht
- Helipad
- Beachballs
- Lighthouse
- Vegetation - Palm trees and bushes
- Misc items such as rowing boats, sun umbrellas, deck chairs, shipwreck.


Island overview:

Screens were taken on a map editor which is why there is a lack of water/lighting surrounding the island. It looks nicer ingame but I currently can't get into singleplayer atm due to crashes. I haven't had a chance to test it on singleplayer/vcmp let me know how it is if you get it working.


IPL file:

XML file:
General Discussion / VCMP 0.3z config for 0.4
Jun 11, 2015, 02:57 PM
Posted this seperately in another topic but thought it deserves its own post as i've had it for awhile now but theres some people out there I see saying they dont like the new design so maybe this is an alternative:


This is a config for 0.4 which applies a design similar to that of 0.3z

It includes:

- No disappearing chatbox lines after a period of time.
- The text entry cursor placed below the chatbox rather than above the chatbox.
- Console key changed to F1 rather than TAB (as TAB is the key to pick up new types of weapons)
- Font changed from 'Verdana' to 'Arial'
- Slightly smaller chatbox text
- Simpler black background scoreboard with smaller scale.
- Player healthbars are rectangular instead of oval with no backdrop.
- Player nametag scale decreased slightly.
- Grey console background and changed ">" arrow in the console from green to pink.


Healthbars and chatbox:


1. Download the .zip file from here:

2. Go to: \Users\<WINDOWS USERNAME>\AppData\Local\Vice City Multiplayer and fine the latest vcmp version folder e.g "04relXXX"

3.  Copy the contents from the "image" folder you downloaded into the "image" folder in the Vice City Multiplayer folder.

4. Next go to C:\Users\DDCC\AppData\Roaming\VCMP\04beta" and copy the file "vcmp_config.txt" from the .zip you downloaded and replace the file.

5. Done.

The optimal resolution for this config is 1920x1080. If you have a screen resolution you may want to increase the scale of the fonts, scoreboard and nametags. Though each time vcmp updates I think you will need to reinstall this:

I am very interested in this I'll probably drop onto this once its publically released and give it a whirl and maybe stay longer. :P

Are the zombies only spawning in a radius near the player or are they always there across the whole map?

I hope it will be like DayZ:

quick dayz style wishlist:

- hunger, thirst and fatigue system
- custom melee weapons
- basebuilding

- hopefully a GUI inventory menu in future when vcmp gets that kind of support for management of items and weapons

- maybe slow down the player movement speed a tiny bit? or atleast add stamina of some sort dependant on hunger/thirst where player will get tired.

- radio items to allow players to communicate ingame with other players who have radios.

- force disable nametags and blips (obviously dependant on if the server is very active with players)

- Airdrops: plane spawns in the sky (above land) at random times and random places of the map, and flys straight from x to y and spawns another object below it such as a crate which slowly descends from the sky and lands on the ground which contains resources. Player must stand next to the crate for a set period of time e.g 30 seconds without moving to collect it successfully. All players are alerted of the airdrop on the map by a blip and can choose risking to go to the area for the resources and risk having to battle other players and die/lose items if they so desire.

- addition of map objects e.g burned out cars, military barricades, crates with a random item in them, ladders/stairs to many roofs as I doubt helicopters will be a major part of this mod.

If you wanted to go really farther in depth. There could be resource collection, e.g the ability to chop trees down for wood. Wood could be used to craft items - shelter, a campfire, a weapon. Maybe would be possible to have a custom "axe" weapon which could be used to chop individual trees by standing next to it and the use of a command/keybind. Once the tree health is depleted the "hide object" command could be used for that specific model which would delete it for a limited period of time before releasing and bringing it back. but I'm not a scripter just an ideas guy so in reality I have no idea how it would work out.

- Looting other player corpses for resources, weapons and perhaps even cannibalism chopping up meat. Would tie into the campfire idea above where meat would be cooked ^

- bleeding damage? dunno if thats possible, e.g player gets shot and health slowly decreases over time and maybe even leave the small blood trails aswell if that would be possible. must patch up wounds with an item to stop bleeding effect or else player will keep on losing blood/hp until the screen has a drunk effect and then death at 0.

- distance based VoiP support, more of a vc-mp function itself but dunno if it can be implemented.

General Discussion / Re: Suggestions
May 13, 2015, 11:06 PM
Feel free to try my config file, it's supposed to replicate 0.3z.

rectangular bars, no bubble/backdrop, no disappearing text and simple black background scoreboard. It was designed for 1920x1080 resolution so for resolutions lower you may have to change the font size. Console key is F1 or F2, I forget which.

game_antialias 0
game_menuonrestore 0
game_windowed 0
game_allowedmods resizer.asi
game_framereserve 5
game_showdebug 0
game_mouse_xsens 0.000000
game_mouse_ysens 0.000000
game_streammem 512
game_passengerkey 86
game_reconattempts 3
splash_loadbarbgcol FF9B327D
splash_loadbarfgcol FFFF96E1
con_fontname Arial
con_fontgap 0
con_fontscale 0.97
con_numoflines 10
con_disappear 0
con_logging 3
con_fillcolour BB666666
con_openkey 112
con_typeloc 0
scb_scale 0.55
scb_edgescale 0.400000
scb_edgecolour 46000000
scb_fillcolour 46000000
scb_captioncolour FFFFFFFF
scb_scorepingidcol FF808080
scb_underlinecolour 0
scb_highlightcolour 0
scb_serverinfocolour ffffffff
scb_countcolour FFFFFFFF
scb_versioncolour 32FFFFFF
scb_scrollbgcolour AA000000
scb_scrollbarcolour AABBBBBB
scb_openkey 116
scb_netstatskey 117
scb_scrollupkey 33
scb_scrolldownkey 34
tag_scale 0.900000
tag_quality 1
tag_maxdist 100.000000
tag_zoffset 1.400000
bar_bgenabled 0
bar_bgcolour 00606060
bar_armourcol 00AAAAAA
bar_armourxcol 004499FF
bar_healthcolmin 00FF0000
bar_healthcolmax 0000AA00
bar_healthxcol 004499FF
scr_capturekey 119
scr_compression 5
cfg_version 2

The detection is a bit weird though. Sometimes nametags aren't visible when players are riding on motorbikes and nametags clearly show up when players are behind large bushes etc. Sometimes they disappear for a second when a player is knocked over onto the ground aswell but not sure if that still happens.

I still see that the shotgun sync is really wonky in the latest version. Anyone else noticed it or had any theorys as to what's causing it? Since we're near release i'd be really concerned if this bug is still in the game at final release since its pretty much game breaking in my opinion. For anyone who doesn't know about it heres a video:

Notice the shots that are being fired by 2nd screen aren't 100% matching up with first screen: some are firing and some are not.

It means that if you fire the shotgun then transition into a fast glitch and try to fire again in a too short period of time the shot might not sync on the other players screen. It's quite frustrating if you knock someone over with shotgun then fast switch towards them and try to fire again  at them on the ground and the shotgun doesn't sync on their screen.

I'm not sure what causes it either but I think its still something to do with buttons being held down. Usually when i'm playing i'm holding the directional buttons for the next movement I want to make after a shotgun is fired off e.g holding W + D while firing so that I can fast switch and run diagonally north-east.

- Hanney