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Messages - Striker

Where is the link :(?
Scripting and Server Management / Re: Null
Jun 25, 2016, 02:07 PM
Quote from: Doom_Kill3R on Jun 25, 2016, 01:45 PMAnswered several times already, pickup ids start from 0 and rowids in database start from 1. If you got some sense you'll know the reason now.
Man i know that :| That's not what i'm asking, for. I know the pickup id starts from 0, while rowid starts from 1! so i've to add another pickup in
the .nut file to solve it out, but that's not i'm asking for : [ I'm asking if we are gonna remove a row like their are 10 row ids i'm removing the 7th row id, so why is the 10th Pickup getting the name null, and the 9th pickup getting it's name : [ ? Consider this example of Pickup to Vehicles being stored in Database.
Closed Bug Reports / Re: [BUG] No mouse
Jun 25, 2016, 01:18 PM
That's why i always prefer to be in the 003 Version because 004, and this all have to be updated CORRECTLY, and completely... i'm just waiting all things
to work fine, and then i'll move to GUI
Scripting and Server Management / Null
Jun 25, 2016, 01:15 PM
Well i've been working with the Database since so long, but i'm still unaware, or unexplained of something.... Well I'm just not getting really understand...That if we are removing anything from the middle of the Database, like Props made my Outlaw, or Vehicle(Being Saved ) So why does in the server it says the Name of the LAST PROPERTY or  Vehicle  = [NULL], and the Property/Car before it being named it's Name like The Property which name is Malibu, get's the name of the Null, and the property before that such as Police Station get's the name of Malibu why this mess :| ?
Quote from: KAKAN on Jun 25, 2016, 01:09 PM
Quote from: Striker on Jun 25, 2016, 12:31 PM
Quote from: . on Jun 25, 2016, 12:21 PMThis is what happens when someone didn't, once in you entire life, tell you: RTFM
:( Sir please help.
he said, "Read the fucking manual", read it and your problem will be solved :)
K Topic locked.
Quote from: . on Jun 25, 2016, 12:21 PMThis is what happens when someone didn't, once in you entire life, tell you: RTFM
:( Sir please help.
Scripting and Server Management / Vehicle ID
Jun 25, 2016, 12:13 PM
Eh Hello Guys I'm having a tough problem whenever i'm deleting a vehicle, the other vehicles id doesn't get changed suppose
i've 23 vehicles... and i'm deleting the Vehicle with ID:22, the Vehicle with 23 ID remains with 23 why :| ? After restarting the server the vehicle id changes to 22..... I'm actually storing my vehicles in Database, and deleting them according to row ids
local q = QuerySQL( db, "SELECT * FROM Cars WHERE rowid = '" + text.tointeger() + "'" );
                   if ( GetSQLColumnData( q, 3 ) == player.Name )
                                           local b = QuerySQL( db, "SELECT * FROM Model WHERE Model LIKE '" + GetSQLColumnData( q, 2 ) + "'" );
                                           SetCash( player, GetCash( player ) +GetSQLColumnData( b, 1 ).tointeger() / 2  );                                                           local v = FindVehicle( text.tointeger() );
                                           if ( v ) Message( "Player [#897FA4][" + player.Name + "][#FCB000] sold his Vehicle:[#EC0E0E][ " + GetSQLColumnData( q, 2 ) + " ]" ),  QuerySQL(db, "DELETE FROM Cars WHERE rowid = '" + text.tointeger() + "' " ),v.Delete();
but then :| /sellcar doesn't work with the ID 22( but how ? The ID :22 Car has been deleted, so the ID:23 and the row id both should become 22 :| ) Why guys ? Any solution?
Scripting and Server Management / Bank Vault
Apr 10, 2016, 07:57 AM
Can anyone provide me a Bank Vault Object id with it's current pos? Sorry i'm unable to find it! i've tried my best.
P.S:  sorry, for my bad english...
Quote from: S.L.C on Mar 23, 2016, 09:00 PMI'd like to ask people what features do you think are missing from the official Squirrel plug-in so that I could implement them in the one that I'm working on.

Speak your mind here about situations where certain things would've made your life easier and you think would make sense to have in a scripting plug-in.

Keep in mind that your suggestion is open for debate. And if that feature already exists I'll give you an example of it. And if it's planed for later then I'll discuss the way I thought to implement it.

I'll be waiting for your feedback.

NOTE: This plug-in might be obsolete in near future since the devs are working on something else. This is for those that want to stick with Squirrel because that's what they've got used to.
Can't we do smoke/cigarette like we use to do in the game when we type a cheat?
General Discussion / VPS
Mar 14, 2016, 02:05 PM
Eh, Hello folks, Well I know this will kinda sound silly, but still it is somehow related to VC-MP that I want to buy a VPS, but i'm much confused, Which site is the best, to provide VPS, and how do I register, for a VPS(I mean that i've to register my domain over their, with the package, and they will provide me my VPS login details o.0 ) ? Please explain me....
P.S : Watched videos, but still meh confused.... Sorry :( I know this is worst, but please...
Support / Re: Server Host........
Mar 12, 2016, 09:51 AM
Quote from: S.L.C on Mar 12, 2016, 09:43 AMProbably no. That board requires that a server is at least hosted on a static IP/Host
k Thanks
Support / Server Host........
Mar 12, 2016, 08:55 AM
Well i've made a server; however, unfortunately i've been stressed thinking the stuff of hosting, "can't, I post my server in the Server BOARD, as my server is going to be daily online at least 5-12 hours" ? not 24/7, but Daily till 5-12 hours or more?
Quote from: Thijn on Mar 09, 2016, 06:45 AMYes, I meant object :)

Try printing the query, and running it yourself using a sqlite browser:
print("SELECT Chocolate FROM Accessories WHERE ID ='" + object.ID + "'");
Well, I guess i'm noob myself no? I've created two Tables, with objects IDS, well My English will surely make you confuse, so simply.
I'm having the object with ID 49, and i'm querying the ID 39 .-. I know it's insane, lel, but topic lock. :)
Quote from: Thijn on Mar 08, 2016, 04:59 PMWhat returns null?
Is the row actually there? Are you sure you got the right pickup ID? Did you try printing the pickup ID and checking your database?

There's plenty of things you could do yourself to debug this..
1.Well the query get's simply fail, so whenever any thing that i want to return/get from Database returns null i.e : - ClientMessage("You have found a Chocalate! Containing null Vitamins!",player,255,255,0); also I guess you mean the object ID.
2.I did all before posting, and that's all fine, but still the same problem; however since i'm having multiple objects, so i can't take rowid.