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Messages - Diego^

Quote from: Nihongo^ on Jul 26, 2023, 06:37 PMHow do i restrict /skin when player fall down (player on ground after getting hit with weapon ) ?

Most of players in my server do evade with /skin <id>. It immediately change the skin and player get up on exact moment

i made this one but it works only for 1 second and after that player can use skin ( it take around 4/5 seconds for the player to get up properly and run )
if (cmd == "skin") {
        if (player.Action == 42) {
            MessagePlayer("You cannot use /skin while on the ground.", player);

if (cmd == "skin") {
        if (player.Action == 42 || player.Action == 43) {
            MessagePlayer("You cannot use /skin while on the ground.", player);

Simple ;)
I advise you to add in onScriptLoad(): RPickup <- null;

And replace: RPickup.Remove();
Per: if ( RPickup ) RPickup.Remove();
Could you show the function that creates the race?
Quote from: PSL on Apr 08, 2023, 01:00 PMI've tried. I've never been the same as lw,Thanks for your advice

Use SetWeaponDataValue, with it you can make it impossible to crouch with weapon in hand.
Good job :)
Good job, @sseebbyy :)
player.Select(); ???
Quote from: Kewun on Nov 11, 2016, 12:59 PMthere isnt any event called "onPlayerRequestEnterVehicle" in my server

Show the function onPlayerEnteringVehicle.
An example:

function onScriptLoad()
gate <- CreateObject( 405, 1, 1.1111, 1.1111, 1.1111, 255 );
gate.TrackingBumps = true;

function onObjectBump( object, player )
if ( object.ID == gate.ID ) player.Kick();
function onPlayerCommand( player, cmd, text )
if ( player.World == 2 ) return MessagePlayer( "The commands are disabled in this world.", player );

Honda CG 125 (Brazilian motorcycle).
General Discussion / Re: .col custom object
Aug 15, 2016, 10:37 AM
I use this:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ASCII"?>
<object id="0">
<flags value="0" />
<texture path="lombada.txd" />
<collision type="autogenerate" />
<model path="lombada.dff" distance="1000" />

And it works on my server.

Off: Congratulations for stealing this custom object ;D.