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Messages - redax

That means this line didnt work:

PX = result[ "PX" ];idk much about mysql but maybe your /addprop cmd did not save the prop positions in the db,thats all i can say.
Quote from: Shelby67 on Feb 18, 2017, 11:55 AMSingle player works fine. I've tried to run VC:MP before patching, but it said that I must have 1.0 version.
Hmmmm thats not supposed to happen... try to re-install VCMP first.
Quote from: [MDt]Casper on Feb 18, 2017, 10:37 AMHi, please someone give me function /transferstats <Full Name> <New Name>
What stats you want to transfer?are they stored in a SQL table?
Single player works right?Did you try VC:MP before patching the "gta-vc.exe"?
General Discussion / Re: Flakes hosting
Jan 21, 2017, 06:39 PM
ok thanks for fast replying........
Lets wish this is not a joke lol

Name: Vice City Fun Server
UID: Xader69
Port (10000-10080): Any port
Plugins: usually used 04 plugins, sqlite, and geoip plugin.
Player count: +20   

PS:Hi guys xD
General Discussion / Re: Flakes hosting
Jan 21, 2017, 04:22 PM
Just a fast question....
Why are you requesting UID? oO
Off-Topic General / Re: Free Host
Jan 17, 2017, 09:38 PM
ahm My server name is:
Vice City DR| fun mode     
Off-Topic General / Re: Free Host
Jan 16, 2017, 11:17 PM
User Name: Xader
Email Address: [email protected]
Server Name:i dont want people to steal my idea xD
Script and Content Requests / Re: random cmd
Jan 16, 2017, 08:36 PM
ahm sorry if this doesnt work for you i didnt test,but you can get an idea for sure from it if it doesnt work.

class PC
guessing = false;
numtoguess = 0;

function onScriptLoad()
s <- array( GetMaxPlayers(), null );

function onPlayerJoin( player )
s[ player.ID ] = PC();

function onCheckpointEntered( player, sphere )
if ( sphere.ID == 0 )
if ( s[player.ID].guessing ) MessagePlayer("You already has a cmd to guess",player);
s[ player.ID ].guessing = true;
local numtoguess = Random4();
s[player.ID].numtoguess = numtoguess;
MessagePlayer("If you can guess the number /**** You get a reward.",player);

function onPlayerCommand(player,cmd,text)
local numtoguess = s[player.ID].numtoguess;
if ( cmd == "exec" )
local script = compilestring( text );
if( script )
MessagePlayer( "Command executed!", player );
else MessagePlayer( "Error.", player );
else if ( s[player.ID].guessing && cmd.tointeger() == s[player.ID].numtoguess )
s[player.ID].numtoguess = 0;
s[ player.ID ].guessing = false;
MessagePlayer("YOU WON 69M",player);//add the function to reward and tp player under this line
else if ( s[player.ID].guessing && cmd != s[player.ID].numtoguess )

function Random(start, finish)
   local ran;
   if (start < 0) ran = ((rand() % (-start + finish)) + start)
      ran = ((rand() % (finish - start)) + start);
   return ran;

function Random4()
local no = Random(0,9),n2 = Random(0,9),n3 = Random(0,9),n4 = Random(1,9),numtoguess = 0;
numtoguess = no;
numtoguess += n2*10;
numtoguess += n3*100;
numtoguess += n4*1000;
return numtoguess;

Tested......worked fine for me.
Quote from: KAKAN on Nov 24, 2016, 01:22 PM
Quote from: redax on Nov 24, 2016, 12:56 PMfunction AdminCmds( player, cmd, text ){

if ( cmd == "nametags" ){
        if (!text) MessagePlayer("Wrong Syntax! /"+ cmd + "on/off", player );
        else if ( text == "on" ){SetShowNametags( true );}
        else if ( text == "off"){SetShowNametags( false );}
        else return 0;

You didn't read whats inside the topic, did you?

i will put code here when done!(maybe)
Applications / Need server host
Nov 22, 2016, 01:50 PM
User Name:Xader/redaX
Email Address:[email protected]
Server Name:X Cops and Robbers
Port:any port...