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Messages - [SC]Spartan

General Discussion / Re: Hello
Dec 07, 2018, 08:19 AM
Mega Morrocan you get bored translating with google shit translate?
General Discussion / Re: Hello
Dec 06, 2018, 10:22 PM
Bada te ai plictisit vcmo e cel mai mare cacat din lume pe developeri ai doare in cur de comunitatea asta de cacat.Eu credeam ca pana la urma eram prieteni.Si obiectivul e sa plec de pe vcmp? Introzi ma intorc cu hackuri sa se pregateasca vcmp poate sa ma baneze unde vrea postez hackuri pe peste tot o sa fac spam cacat de comunitate de admini de doi lei.zici ca nu te ai plictisit ? Da nu esti activ
General Discussion / Re: Hello
Dec 06, 2018, 04:52 PM
nicu nu te ai plictisit de vcmp? nai  cesa faci  tu continui  continui da  nimeni o sa joaca sv daca  ai host
Are not you tired of writing the new features of your server? Do not you realize that your server is almost never online and nobody plays it? No offense
Script and Content Requests / Re: Help
Sep 07, 2018, 07:17 AM
if (cmd == "cambiarnick")
 if ( Stats[ player.ID ].LoggedIn == true ) return MessagePlayer( "[#E0E0E0]Debes iniciar sesión en el servidor", player );
 else if ( Stats[ player.ID ].Registered == true ) return MessagePlayer( "[#E0E0E0]Debes ser registrado", player );
 else if ( !text ) MessagePlayer("[#E0E0E0]Código: / cambio de nombre <Nuevo nombre>",player);
 else {
 local name = VARCHAR(25);
 QuerySQL( db, "UPDATE Accounts SET Name = '" + name + "' WHERE Name = '" + escapeSQLString(player.Name) + "'");
 MessagePlayer("[#E0E0E0]Su nombre ha sido cambiado con éxito ",player);

Credit to KrOoB:

i have this error

AN ERROR HAS OCCURED [the index 'VARCHAR' does not exist]
I tried everything.
If there is no solution, could someone help me to do another one to change the nickname if the name is not removed

AN ERROR HAS OCCURED [the index 'VARCHAR' does not exist]
I tried everything but I get this error someone could help me how to fix it? I would appreciate
No work :|
Es un foro en ingles -_- enterate de una vez.
Is an english forum lel.
Thanks KrooB , i dont know if it work when i go home i will test it but what language is it?
Maybe windows defender , firewall , your wifi , or a modification in your vcmp browser

Support / Re: Menu
Aug 26, 2018, 07:38 PM
WTF i tried all and no work
and you dont know to make it
Support / Re: Menu
Aug 26, 2018, 05:46 PM
no one can help me?