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Messages - ℛḝξ☂

Impressive, vivid and dynamic work! I really enjoyed talking in Chinese in the server!
Client Scripting / Re: [Repost] Snow Effect
Jan 21, 2022, 09:03 AM
Great work dude!
More soon please ::)
Quote from: DizzasTeR on Sep 10, 2021, 06:29 AMHmm, could you record a demonstration
I'm sorry to say that it's inconvenient for me to upload a video to youtube. But you can try this code
function Script::ScriptProcess()
    local i, plr, name = "jack";
for( i = 0; i < 99; i ++ )
    plr = World.FindPlayer( i );
if( plr )
if ( plr.Name == name )
Console.Print( name + "'s Health: " + plr.Health );
And join with one random nick & one "jack" then change "jack"'s health

Quote from: DizzasTeR on Sep 10, 2021, 06:29 AMthat seems like a bug that I should've seen because my custom scoreboard in EG A/D relies on client-side .Health as I don't send sync packets from server to sync health of players.
Did <client-side .Health> work correctly on your server? I want to make one custom nicktags/healthbar and due to this bug I have to send sync packets(the exact health and the respective player) to client every 1 second(or less).
Quote from: DizzasTeR on Sep 08, 2021, 07:44 AMThings work different on client side, if the player is not streamed in then his health will return 0 regardless of his actual health. Client side health for other players will only report properly when the player is streamed in to the local player (He is close enough for his packets to be received by the local player)
Hi, thank you for helping. I think during my test the two players are close enough to be streamed by each other, because as soon as their health are changed to 0, it returns 0(which is correct)
However no matter how close the players are, it only returns 100 forever if their actual health is more than 0
When I get the health of other player (the local one works)it returns 100
me -  A
the other player - B
client side: Console.Print( World.FindPlayer( B.ID ).Health )
it always returns 100(returns 0 when the player is dying)


What you were doing when the bug happened
Hitting the player B, B's health decreases, but client side still returns 100

What you think caused the bug
Old times in 0.3z is an unforgettable memory while It's hard to get used to it now as 0.4 has changed and improved a lot in almost every aspect.
Thank you both for your help!

Quote from: DizzasTeR on Aug 24, 2021, 09:21 AM
Quote from: Xmair on Aug 24, 2021, 05:43 AMThis function is used to convert the world's 3D co-ordinates to the client's 2D screen co-ordinates.

Its the other way around. The Z parameter in Screen -> World Pos or World Pos -> Screen represents visibility. Value is between -1 or 0 (forgot exactly) if the vector is not visible on screen and anything else if it is. (You probably have to test)

I am using this function to enable players to mark a certain place with a sprite. Your information helps and this work is done! Btw if I change the value of Z parameter in Screen position to 0 or -1 I cannot see the mark/sprite, I try to use 1 and it works.
Hi, I try to test it on my pc and it works well! However I cannot load the plugin actor64.dll when I try to copy paste the new scripts to my vps. The console tells the error code is 126. I checked server.cfg and no typos, and any other official plugins (64 bit) works normally. I think there's some libraries missed, is there any solution or info?
GUI::ScreenPosToWorld(Vector screenPosition)

I wonder how this function works, and why the parameter screen position is Vector instead of VectorScreen, any help is appreciated!
Wow it's such an amazing snippet, I cannot wait to have a try
Awesome work!!
Tested it, SO AMAZING WORK 8) 8) 8)
Quote from: BixelBG on Oct 01, 2019, 07:41 AM
Quote from: ℛḝξ☂ on Sep 22, 2019, 09:22 AMCould you please tell me his name?
He goes by "Oliver", but he joined recently just for our latest single player video

They should be different. :D
Quote from: BixelBG on Sep 05, 2019, 02:21 PM
Quote from: ℛḝξ☂ on Sep 03, 2019, 11:54 AMI created a server for stunting months ago for my Chinese frends, however it is closed now, I have uploaded the server script here:
you can host it yourself , this is the video my friends made:
wow this video is really impressive, i'll see the script, thanks!
Thanks, they are a stunting team called ET. I just helped them create a script.

Quote from: BixelBG on Sep 17, 2019, 01:50 PMone of the guys in that video are in my crew just found out
Could you please tell me his name?