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Topics - RW

Too much BUG kicks...
Kicked xxx acquired weapon xxx
Anyway to disable?
Script and Content Requests / Team Chat Error
Apr 04, 2017, 03:56 AM
"\" is not available
Client Side:
BS <- GUILabel(VectorScreen( sX * 0.06, sY * 0.4 ),Colour(0,255,0,0),"NO ROUND");
 BS.FontSize = 15;

function Server::ServerData(stream) {
    local type = stream.ReadInt();
      case 1:
      ::BS.Text = stream.ReadString();
      case 2:
      ::BS.Text = "NO ROUND";

Normal Script:
local Stream = Stream();
Stream.WriteInt( 1 );
Stream.WriteString( "Base ID : ["+BaseID+"] Name : ["+BaseName+"]" );

I'm sure the BaseID and BaseName are not wrong... Why this text didn't change?
General Discussion / A Great Idea
Apr 27, 2016, 03:44 AM
When can we play with NPC :P and if the NPCs have been added in the game. Let's imagine ;D
I can't spawn , so I created a Command = "spawn" , copy this :
So I type /spawn rw ( my nickname is rw )
It messages but I don't spawn...
Want to add anything in Little Haiti?
Want to add anything in your the first server?
Want to decorate your server?
[Announce]No Images Here! If you want, download now!
If you feel ugly, tell me! I'll fix them!
:P I put " s50000_c " this .wav into sounds_unp , and I put sounds_unp into store/sounds . Then I use PlaySound this function to listen the sound ... Ouch! I only listen the sound once , but I can't listen again! :o That's very interesting...