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Messages - BABA1

Videos & Screenshots / ME pro hax0r
Apr 28, 2016, 04:29 AM
New video by me. I hope you guys like it.
Here's the link:-
Quote from: Stormeus on Apr 19, 2016, 03:59 AMIs this a new issue or something that's been happening for a while?

Not a new one though since I've been facing more than 10 issues, Precisely bugs. :P
Support / Joining error.
Apr 18, 2016, 06:48 PM
Hey there! A Friend of mine needs some help and he isn't registered on this forum and therefore I'm posting this for him. So let me explain he isn't able to log into the server(s) not a single one. He also claims that the download screen appears whenever he joins a server and the download screen doesn't close but he is able to read the chat.

He even furnished me with some screenshots: ( I've provided some links down below which shall lead you to the evidences captured by him. )
How do I get the issue fixed, I'm facing the same thing.
Quote from: NewK on Apr 11, 2016, 10:01 PM@maxorator I've noticed that Player does not have a IsFrozen property similar to the Squirrel plugin, has this not been implemented yet or is this done differently with this java plugin?

New pro static void functions have been med. :D
General Discussion / Re: VoIP support?
Apr 09, 2016, 02:30 PM
That way the non-English motherfakas would learn how to speak Engrish. :D
I want to know all the functions like sendClientMessage and etc. Where can I find those functions? I'm not quite acquainted with the plugin. I want a list of functions and something about their formal parameters type in the method signature. I would really appreciate some help! 
My sugesstion is to make a TS server for the community. So that players would be able to voice chat.
General Discussion / Re: VoIP support?
Apr 07, 2016, 06:01 AM
Stormeus add it pl0x!
Does that mean we can compile the scripts using JIT Compiler and then hand it over to someone with JVM installed, so that he/she wouldn't get the source code but will be able to host the server?
@maxorator, don't you think Eclipse else BlueJ would be a good IDE to start with, why shall we use IntelliJ?
Videos & Screenshots / Vc:mp - Fun
Mar 07, 2016, 12:19 PM
I hope you guys will like the video. The link is as follows:-
Videos & Screenshots / Re: Bitmap art
Feb 28, 2016, 02:21 PM
Quote from: KAKAN on Feb 27, 2016, 06:59 AMAwesome!
P.S:- Release that plugin :D
General Discussion / Re: please help
Feb 27, 2016, 06:27 PM
The answer is quite simple : Get a better Internet and your shots will sync perfectly.
When may be possibly have this fixed?
Closed Bug Reports / slide bug : Fix it pl0x
Feb 09, 2016, 12:56 PM
Subject: [Bug] Sliding

Whenever you shoot a player you're not doing any sliding on your screen, but you're performing those slides on the other user's screen.


What you were doing when the bug happened
When I would be Crouching to kill an enemy this is what Usually happens to the other guy but it also happens sometimes even while you're not crouching.

What you think caused the bug
The new Update
