Ini things

Started by KAKAN, Sep 06, 2015, 06:21 AM

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Can anyone tell me the syntax and the use of this two functions?
1. WriteIniString
2. ReadIniString

I want this to save the skins, as i don't want my server full of DBs
oh no


And how to remove a particular line in Ini, is it ClearIni? If yes, tell its syntax too
oh no


WriteIniString(filename, section, variable, value);
ReadIniString(filename, section, variable);
RemoveIniValue(filename, section, variable);
DeleteIniSection(filename, section);

Quote from: filename.ini[section]


INI's are not recommended personally from my side since any player having square bracket included in their name will fail to get his data saved.


Oh, That's why it wasn't working? Anyways Topic LOCKED
oh no